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Without A Doubt, Your All I Dream About

You Could Be A Sweet Dream, Or A Beautiful Nightmare

Screaming, thats all i could hear. I couldn't even comprehend the words they were screaming. just loud noise. I huddled into alex's side, trying to block them out.

He just chuckled.

"You get used to it. Eventually"

I snorted. "Oh i bet you do get used to girls screaming that they love you and want to have your children!"

He kissed my temple., "You are my only one Har"

It took us almost 30 minutes to get to our bus, after the boys signed and took pictures with everyone.

Most of the girls ignored me, but some did act very rudely towards me.Apparently, Alex was 'their' man, and I was a big fat slut for dating him.

Personally, i thought it was pretty funny. The boys weren't to happy about it, but i told them it was totally fine and I didn't take any offense to it.

As soon as we finally made it onto our bus, i collapsed onto the couch and pulled Alex with me.

"Im sleepy" I said, cuddling into his chest.

Everyone was either already in their bunks, or getting ready for bed. We had an all night drive to our next venue.

"Let's go to bed then babe" Alex picked me up, and carried me to our bunk. These bunks were only supposed to fit one person, but Alex and I were pretty close, and I couldn't imagine sleeping every night without him.

I grabbed my lion as we climbed in. We assumed our usual sleeping position, me straddling Alex and his arms securely around my waist.

"Do we have any big plans tomorrow?" I asked him, yawning.

"Yeah, everytime we're in New Jersey, we go clubbing"

My eyes shot open.

"Are you serious?" I was excited, to say the least. I absolutely loved going to clubs.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yes, now let's get some rest."

I cuddled into his chest and let out a long happy sigh.

"I love you lexi"

"I love you, Harley"
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: "Sweet Dreams" - Beyonce

A cute little chapter :) It was inspired how much i just wanna cuddle with a cute boy right now! hahah.

Anywho. Comment, Subscribe, and Message me :)