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Without A Doubt, Your All I Dream About

I Wanna See Your Face And Know I Made It Home.

Everything from LIl' Wayne to Maroon 5 to Selena Gomez. I was buried in cd's. The joy of working in a music store. I currently had Panic! At The Disco playing softly in the background as a danced around the store, returning items to their rightful homes.

The past few weeks had been, absolutely amazing. I had been spending all of my extra time with the boys and Leah. We were growing even closer than before. If that was possible.

I had been especially close to a special dark haired band mate. Alex and I took every opportunity we had, to be with each other. Whether it was going out to dinner, taking a park threw the park, just talking, or making out on my couch.

I never realized how much i needed him. I don't know how i survived 8 years without him.

Speak of the devil, i heard the door open and his angelic laugh float through the small store.

My heart fluttered. I looked up towards him. He and Jack were searching the counter for something.

"Boys, " i called chuckling, " Are you looking for something?"

There heads snapped in my direction. Alex smiled, taking in my [url=http://]outfit[/url]

"You," he said smirking.

"Well, you found me. How can i help you boys?"

I walked back to the counter, heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

"Come to the park with us!" Jack cried, smiling widely at me. I glanced at my watch.

"Perfect timing, I just got off. Lemme grab my purse. "

As we were walking out the door, Alex grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest. My breath hitched in my throat.

"You look gorgeous" He leaned his soft lips, and pressed them tightly to mine. No matter how many times we kiss, it still took my breath away. I pulled back , just to smash my lips back up against his. He moaned softly.

"Guys, come on!" Jack whined. "You can make out as much as you want, Later!"

Blushing, i detached myself from Alex. He smiled and pulled me out the door.

"Are we meeting every one there?" I asked them as we walked down the street, towards the park,Alex's hand tightly laced with me.

Jack nodded, and burst out running as soon as the park was in sight. He was seriously such a little kid at heart.

I spotted Rian, Zack and Leah as we got closer.

Leah screamed at launched herself at me, as soon as we were within a few feet of each other.

"where did you get your shoes?!" she cried kneeling on the ground, inspecting them.

I chuckled softly. "Forever 21"

Her eyes brightened. "We're so going shopping this weekend."

The group fell into our usually chatter, all of us just walked aimlessly around the huge park.

"Come with me" Alex whispered into my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck, making me shiver. I looked to where he was pointing. It was the biggest jungle gym i had ever seen. It was every kids dream.

Slowly, i climbed up it, followed by Alex. When we reached the top, i looked out at the view. I could see everything in the park, including my friends. Zack, pushing Leah on the swings, and Rian and Jack chasing each other up and down a huge hill.

Alex slid next to me. "It's beautiful up here."

I nodded, taking in the sun about to set. "Ser Alex, this is amazing. Did you know that up here had this amazing view?"

The corners of his mouth turned up, into that picture signature smirk.

"I've been up here a few times before" he muttered, sliding his hand into mine. Twining our fingers together, i leaned into his.

"I love you Harley Mae, you are more beautiful than this sunset."

There he goes again. Alex is usually funny and cocky, but sometimes he throws me even for a loop. He will say things that sounds so utterly, poetic and beautiful.

I felt tears spring to my eyes. They silently slid down my face, as i stared off,not really looking at the view in front of me.

"Don't cry, please" He took my chin gently, and pulled my face so i looking into his eyes. With a rough thumb, he wiped my tears away.

"I love you too Alex. More than you can imagine" I swear at that moment, his brown eyes, started shining a little bit brighter.

He started chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Spit it out, " i knew he had something to say. I slid my hand onto his jean clad knee, to show my support and comfort.

"Be my girlfriend?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit : "Painting Flowers."- All Time Low <3

Cliff hanger! :) hahaha. sorry if it sucks. Thank you AllTimeLowMCR for all your help and support, you rock!

PLease, comment and subscribe. Its my birthday tomorow! leave me presents! :))