Living in a Broken Dream

Jack and Em's Idea!

Jacks POV

We walked outside and to my car, all the while Anna was smiling like a fool. I thought nothing of it, happy that she was smiling, but decided to ask.
“Why are you all smiley?” I asked with a smirk
“He kissed me” she said dreamily
“Who did?”
I slammed down the breaks and looked at her
“He did what?” I said feeling more like a protective older brother than a friend. Finally realising what she said, her eyes went wide and she slapped her hand over her mouth.
“Nothing” she said quickly
“Anna, tell me” I said trying to persuade her. She looked up at me with big eyes and sighed finally telling me what I thought I heard
“Me and Alex kissed” I sighed and started the car again. “You’re not mad at me, are you Jack?”
I looked back at her quickly and sighed again “No, I'm not mad Anna” she smiled at me, which I returned half heartedly and looked back to the road.
“Thanks for taking me to band practice tonight Jack, I had a lot of fun” she said giving me a hug then getting out the car. I quickly texted my mom saying that band practice was gonna be a bit longer than I thought and went to the local coffee shop.

I pulled in a saw Em sat behind the counter. The place was empty apart from an elderly couple and a girl that looked about 15. I sat in front of her and she smiled
“Hey babe” she said kissing my cheek
“Hey Em” I said giving her a weak smile back. Then I thought, Anna would have told Em anything about Alex, they’re best friends.
“What's up with you? Do you feel ill?” she asked concerned
“No I feel fine Em, really I do. Can I ask you something about Anna though?”
“Sure, what do you want to know?” she asks as she places a mug of coffee in front of me.
I clear my throat and ask her “Does Anna like Alex?” she looked back at me with her big blue eyes, which told me that she did
“She does then” I nod my head and Em looks confused
“How did you know?” she whined
I smiled at her and said “Your eyes said it my dear” she blushed and looked down. I chuckled and took a sip of my drink. The bell on the door rung signalling that the teenager had left. Em went to clean up after her then was stood back in front of me in no time. Her head was propped up by her right hand
“Is that why you came her Jack?”
“Alex kissed her” Also shocked at the news, her elbow slipped and her head banged on the counter then falling to the floor
“HE DID WHAT?” she shrieked as she hit the floor. I took up and saw her laid at a strange angle on the floor
“Are you alright?” I ask as I jump over the counter and help her up. She brushed herself off and nodded. On her head was a bright red mark that would bruise in the morning. I smiled and kissed it gently. She smiled back and gave me a hug.
“What, does Alex like Anna then?” she asked confused
“Well, Anna said something and he blushed” she gasped and repeated what I said
“He blushed!?” I nodded my head quickly then added
“And then they were staring at each other like me and you do before we kiss! But when I realised I chocked on food!”
“You chocked on food!” she asked as our voices got louder
“Is that all you got from that?”
“No! But I think it would be cute if they got together. I mean Alex seams so much happier and he is kinder towards people now-”
“And Anna looks the happiest I’ve seen since we met her, and Alex always supports her in whatever she does” I added
“Yeah! Plus he gets on with her family really well! They really bring out the best in each other” said Emily as she sat me down on the other side of the counter
“I guess they do, don't they” I said finishing my drink
“Told you so” she added smirking
“You don't think Alex would hurt her do you? I mean I kinda feel like an older brother to her more than a friend”
“No. I defiantly don't think Alex would hurt her, well he’s never hurt a girl before and I don't think he would start with Anna “she says giving me a small smile and sorting my hair out.
“It’s times like this when I realise how much I love you” I say giving her a kiss. She kisses back and smiles, telling me that she loves me too.
“Well my darling, you will have to talk with Alex, and I’ll talk with Anna. When we have the stuff we need, we can meet up and swap information”