Living in a Broken Dream

Good Morning!

It had been two months since we moved, and things in Maryland were going Ok, thankfully Ben and Liz had moved into a bigger house 4 months earlier . I quickly learned that I would become ‘mom’ of the house. Mom had failed to mention to us that Aunt Liz and Uncle Ben were work-a-holics. Sidney was now at college and the eldest of my Aunt’s children, Teddy, decided that he would get a job as he said that I would look after the children. My afternoon’s after school went like this. Get a ride with Teddy to the pre-school, where I picked Tammie, Evelyn and Luke, we walked to one of Eva’s friends house to pick her up, and then walked home. I would then go and pick Lottie up from the neighbors, start making dinner while the kids watched their TV shows, I started homework, then got stopped to go and dance with the kids to the song in Lazy town. Let Lottie start her nap, start homework again, serve up dinner, finish homework while they eat, then go and join them dancing in the living room. Teddy comes home, and then put Tammie, Luke and Evelyn to bed. Sidney comes home; Ben and Liz come home, send Eva to bed, talk with Ben and Liz about the day, have a shower, get my bags ready for school tomorrow and finally go to bed.
Looking after a 7 year old, three 5 year olds and a 3 year old is hard work on your own.

I was just passing my lessons by the skin on my teeth. School was OK, not as good as my Wisconsin school, but it was close. There is one thing I don’t like though. Ok, I mean SOMEONE I don't like. Alexander Gaskarth. He makes my life a living hell; either he was smacking my books out of my hands, pushing me into lockers or launching spit balls into my hair. I never did anything to him. First day he saw me he pushed me into lockers, his friends just stood by and looked at him shocked, but then looked at me and smiled at me apologetically. A nice girl came and helped me up; she had short black hair with a blond strip going through the middle of her bangs. She had piercing blue eyes, but a friendly smile.
“Hey, are you OK?” She smiled.
“Yeah, thanks” I said as she helped me up.
“Emily. Emily Willows” she smiled, sticking out her hand.
I shacked it and replied with “Anna Palmer”

Emily was the only person who knew about my mom. She sometimes would help me look after my fellow brothers, sisters and cousins, but she also had a part time job meaning that she was busy. Today was Monday, the worst day to wake everyone up. My alarm clock wakes me up at 6:30am; I get changed for school and attempt to control my hair. My hair is naturally curly, so going to bed with wet hair is a no-no. I looked like a poodle, after some anti- frizz serum and my mighty hair curlers, my hair looked OK. I put on some light make-up and go downstairs were Ben and Liz were just setting off.
“Oh, Hey Anna” smiled Liz as she put on her coat.
“Morning” I replied as I set about making Pack up for Tammie, Luke and Evelyn. Today it was PB and J sandwiches, a carton of milk, an apple, some Oreo s and a yogurt. Eva and I were school dinners and Teddy went out for dinner.
“See you tonight sweetie, be good at school” Said Ben as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Oh, can you go food shopping today Anna?” asked Liz as I walked towards them.
“Sure” I said, as she kissed my cheek.
“Thanks, see you tonight” She said as she walked out the door, with Ben behind her.
“Bye!” I called out as they walked to the car. I waved them off and looked at the clock, 6:40.
“Time to wake everyone up” I muttered to myself.
“OK GUYS TIME TO WAKE UP, GOOD MORNING STAR SHINE, THE EARTH SAYS HELLO, TODAY IS A BRAND NEW DAY AND IT’S A BRAND NEW WEEK! MEANING WE CAN ALL START FRESH, WAKE UP WAKE UP!” I shouted while I ran down the corridor, banging on each door to wake up certain children. I walk into Tammie, Eva and Evelyn’s bedroom and open the curtains, causing the three girls to groan and whine.
“I’m not getting up” said Eva from the far corner of the room. The two younger girls sat up and stretched looking at me smiling.
“Oh really?” I asked grinning. Tammie slowly climbed down the stairs of the bunk bed she shared with Evelyn, and held my hand grinning as well, Evelyn soon followed and held onto my other hand smiling.
“Really, now leave me alone” Eva replied by turning over to face the wall.
“OK then. If you say so” I said walking towards her bed slowly and quietly, with Evelyn and Tammie following me giggling.
“Thank You” Eva said as she snuggled further into her duvet. The two younger girls then jumped on the bed and started tickling Eva. She screamed in surprise and started wriggling away, and then I joined in. The tears of laughter were falling down her face, and that’s when she decided to attack Evelyn and Tammie with tickles. I laughed at the picture when they all turned to look at me with evil smiles on their faces and ran at me who was sat on the bottom bunk of Tammie and Evelyn’s bed.
“Attack!” Shouted Eva.
“No...Please no” I said. Too late though, the two 5 year olds had me pinned down tickling me, then Eva jumped on me tickling me even more. I was wriggling away from them but fell off the bed with a Thump! And then three other bodies fell on top of me laughing. I began laughing to and we gradually calmed down.
“Ok guys I’ll be back in a minute make your beds and we’ll get you dressed.”
“Yes Anna” chorused Evelyn and Tammie.
“THE BATHROOM IS MINE!” Shouted Eva as she ran down the corridor. I laughed and woke up Luke whose bedroom was shared with mine but like a room inside a room.

You went through my room, and then in my room you opened the door which was Luke’s room. His door was covered in Pokémon stickers thanks to Teddy who had found them in his wardrobe. I opened the door and walked over to the sleeping form of my younger brother. How he was asleep, I don't know. I shook his shoulders to wake him up.
“Luke? Luke it’s time to get ready for school” I said softly. His big, brown eyes opened slowly and he smiled.
“Morning Anna” he said as he reached to give me a hug. I returned the hug and stood up and put him on my back. His arms wrapped around my neck, as I held onto his legs and walked towards the window. We somehow managed to open the curtains as he asked me questions like,
“Why is the sky blue? Why do dogs bark? Can we have Pizza for dinner tonight? And Why is Pikachu yellow?” I smiled at his questions as I placed him back on his bed, going to his wardrobe.
“The sky is blue to due the atmosphere I think, I guess dogs bark so they can talk to each other, no you cannot have pizza tonight because you had it yesterday and Pikachu is yellow because that’s what colour the people who drew him wanted him to be” I explained to him, while picking out his clothes and placing them on his bed.
“Ok then, why are tree’s green, why is the sea salty, how does Father Christmas get down the chimney and why can’t we have pizza again?” he whined as he took off his Pokémon pajamas, to place them in the wash. He got changed as I made his bed and answered his questions again.
“Tree’s are green because their leaves contain chemical called chlorophyll; The Sea is salty because the rivers that flow into it wash salts and other minerals out of the ground. These dissolve in the rivers and the rivers then flow into the sea. Father Christmas uses quantum teleportation, the real-world version of the transporter used by Captain Kirk in Star Trek, and you are not having pizza again because it’s not healthy”
“No Buts. Go downstairs and set the table please”
He looked at me and huffed out.
“Thank you!” I shouted, while picking up his dirty washing and put it in the basket. I went to go and get Tammie and Evelyn dressed and sent them downstairs with Eva, who was looking for her maths book. I walked down to Lottie’s room and found her sitting in her toddler bed, playing with her teddies.
“Hiya Lottie!” I said picking her up.
“Hi Nana” She said kissing my cheek. Lottie couldn’t quite say my name yet.
“Alright Lotto, we gotta hurry up OK?”She nodded, and we went to her wardrobe, I pulled out a little summer dress as it was warm today. I got her changed and tickled her, causing her giggle and hide her head in the crook of my neck.
“Let's go!” I said as I balanced her on my right hip. I walked down the stairs, put on the morning breakfast show, and poured out 6 bowls of cereal, and a small bowl of porridge. I placed the cereal in front of Tammie, Luke, Eva, Evelyn and I, sat Lottie in her highchair and started feeding her the porridge and me my cereal. Then I remembered, Teddy. I ran to the stairs and shouted
“TEDDY, GET UP, SCHOOL, BREAKFAST READY” I walked back to the table and no more than 5 minutes later when Teddy walked down the stairs.
“Morning Teddy” chorused the kids at the table.
“Hey guys “he said taking my seat as I styled the kids hair. Tammie: Down with Headband, Evelyn: Ponytail with several hairgrips, Luke: A quick brush and Lottie: Pigtails. Everyone put pots in the dishwasher.
“TO THE BATHROOM” I shouted. The galloping of feet ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, grabbing toothbrushes, brushing their teeth. I grabbed mine and Ted’s toothbrushes and a cup.
“SHOES” I shouted, as 5 pairs of feet ran down the stairs.
“Teddy-“I started
“I know, start up the car” he said laughing, walking out the door.
“BAGS AND PACK UPS” I shouted and gave each kid their pack up.
“To the car!” said Tammie. The kids cheered and I picked Lottie up, balancing her on my hip again and picking up her day bag. I locked the door behind me and ran to the neighbors, who looked after Lottie. I gave her a kiss on the head and waved Goodbye to her.
“See you tonight Eva!” I shouted to my sister as she walked to her friend’s house.
“Ciao Sis!” She shouted back. I laughed and jumped in the front seat of Teddy’s car and buckled in.
“Everyone buckled in?” I asked.
“Yes!” said the kids. Teddy stared the engine and we went on our way to drop our brothers, sisters and cousins off at pre-school. We waved them off and jumped into Teddy’s car again.
“Ok here are the brushes” I said pulling the toothbrushes out of my back pocket.
“Right, toothpaste in the door” I looked to my left and saw in the door pocket a tube of toothpaste. I squirted some onto his brush and gave it to him.
“Thanks” he said not taking his eyes off the road. I did the same and we started brushing our teeth. I pulled the cup out my bag and spat the remaining toothpaste in it. Teddy did the same. I put the lid on and noticed we were at school.
“Ok see you soon Anna” He said smiling.
“Bye Ted” I shouted. I threw the toothpaste remains into the bin and went to my locker. I got out my books just to have them pushed out my hands by Alex Gaskarth.
“Oops! Sorry Anna” said Alex sarcastically.
“Go away Alex” I Growled picking them up.
“No I –“ he said put was interrupted when Jack and Emily ran down the corridor shouting my name.
“ANNA!” they shouted and pulled me into a hug.
I laughed and hugged them back.
“Hey guys!”
“You’ve got toothpaste on your face” stated Jack, wiping it off for me, while stretching my face into silly faces.
“Thanks Jack” I said but I think it came out more like,
“Fank woo Wak” He laughed and let go off my face.
“Let’s go” said Em as she linked arms with me.
I agreed and we were off.