Living in a Broken Dream

Alex Said What Now?

I sat down with Emily and started eating dinner. That's when the guys walked towards us.
“Does Jack look gorgeous today?” asked Emily dreamily.
“Hmmm” I answered. Her and Jack were going out, so I was used to this talk by now.
“Hello beautiful” said Jack giving Emily a kiss on the cheek. She giggled and pulled him close to her.
“Hey Anna!” shouted Jack, ruffling my hair.
“Get off Jack!” I said sorting my hair out. Everyone laughed as I combed my hair with my fingers. They each fell into their own conversation meaning that I had time to finish my English. I finished it just to hear,
“That's good Anna” from a smiling Alex Gaskarth.
I looked at him strangely as did the others.
“What?” I asked confused.
“I said, that's good Anna”
I just looked at him strangely, and then looked at the others who had the same look on their faces.
“I'm serious” he added. Did Alex Gaskarth seriously just comment on how ‘good’ my work was? No, I must be dreaming. I shook my head and looked back up to see Alex smiling at me.
“Well....thanks Alex?”
“Sure thing Anna!” and with that he stood up and left.
“What the Hell was that?” asked Rian.
“I have no idea” said Emily
Jack just looked down, not saying anything. Hmmmm?

FF after school
“Bye Em! Bye Jack!” I shouted running to Teddy’s car, but being the idiot that I am I ran into someone, falling on top of them. That person just happened to be Alex.
“Whoa there Anna” he said laughing. I laughed back awkwardly.
“Sorry Alex” I said. He helped me up off the floor and smiled at me.
“Its fine Anna...........Listen I'm fed up of fighting, please can we be friends?”
I'm guessing that my mouth dropped because be closed it with his finger.
“What do ya say Anna?”
“I say that your just pulling some stupid joke on me!” I spat walking off.
“Anna! Anna wait!” Alex shouted catching up with me, pulling my arm.
“What Alex?” I asked turning around.
“Please?” he asked, looking down at me with his big brown eyes.
I sighed “Okay”
He pulled me into a hug shouting “Thanks Anna!”
I shook my head and told Teddy to drive.
After gathering all the kids, we were finally home. Then I remembered that I had to go shopping, I groaned as this meant I'd have to take all the kids with me. Usually Teddy would look after them until I came home, but Teddy decided he needed a job. I went to the cupboards and noticed that they were practically empty. I took the card Liz had given me to go shopping with.
“Alright guys, let’s go shopping!” I shouted through the house.
Four pairs of feet pounded down the stairs and out the door. I picked Lottie up from her play area and locked the door behind me. I opened the car door and they climbed in. I looked through Teddy’s CD’s and put his mixed CD in. Blink-182 came on and the kids started singing. We listen to this CD WAY too much. We reached the supermarket and I went over the rules one more time,
“Alright guys lets go over this again. 1) Do not run off in the shop. 2) If you miss behave in the shop you will not get any TV 3) if you have decided to run off, do not go anywhere, and stay where you are. Got it?”
“Got it Anna” coursed the kids.
“Ok” I said getting out the car.

Alex POV
“Dude, I am so gonna win that bet with you!” I said to Jack, when we were sat in his car.
“Alex, if you hurt her, you won’t just have to answer to me. You’ll have everyone.” Warned Jack “You know that I did this bet with you so that you might understand her better, cos’ she’s a cool girl. You never know that though cos’ your always picking on her.”
“Jack, I'm not gonna hurt her” I said bored of this conversation already.
“I'm hungry!” I said pulling into the local supermarket.
“Hey look Jack, its Anna!” I said pointing to her getting out the car and opening the back door to let, one, and two three, four, and five. Five kids out? What? She balanced one on her hip, and held a little girls hand. She got a trolley and placed the kid on her hip on the seat inside the trolley. She checked her bag for her purse and carried on walking with four kids following her.
“Let’s go!” said Jack, jumping out the car. I followed him, looking for Anna, but couldn’t find her.
“What's she doing with all those kids?” I wondered out loud.
“I don’t know, but I'm gonna wait in the car” and with that, he left. I shrugged and thought of a reason to why Anna had all those kids.

Anna’s POV
“Peanut butter?” I asked Tammie
“Grapes?”I asked looking at Eva
“No Milk!” shouted Evelyn
“Let’s go get it then!” I said walking towards the milk pushing my cart. I got my milk and went to go check it out.
“Stop it Luke!” shouted Tammie. I turned around to see Tammie and Luke fighting.
“Tammie, Luke! Stop it now!” I said separating them.
“But Luke-“
“But nothing Tammie, stop shouting okay. Luke that was your last warning, no TV for you!”
The twins huffed and stood either side of the trolley. I reached for the last of the shopping and went to go pay. I paid with the card Liz gave me and walked out to the car.
“Hey Anna!” I turned to the sound of the voice to see Jack grinning at me.
“Hey Jack” I smiled. His eyes drifted to the kids in the backseat.
“Hey Guys, I'm Jack” he said softly to them, “I'm Anna’s friend”
“Hello Jack, I'm Luke” shouted Luke happily.
“I'm Eva and this is Evelyn” said Eva as Evelyn waved shyly.

“And who’s this little cutie?” asked Jack tickling Lottie.
“This is Lottie” I said to him. I looked back to the car and noticed something was wrong. Something was out of place. One, two, three, four, fi-hang on there was only four! I counted heads again, where the hell was Tammie? I gasped and placed Lottie in the car.
“Jack, Jack I'm sorry, please, please can you look after them a minute oh my god, please?”
“Sure I can” said Jack confused.
“Thanks, no messing about Kids!”
I ran to the shop again wondering where Tammie could be. Oh God, someone might have taken her. I ran into the doors and my eyes watered up. Where could she be?