Living in a Broken Dream

Fruit and Veg

Alex’s POV
I walked down to the fruit and veg aisle and heard a quiet whimpering noise. I listened carefully and saw a little girl in a red t-shirt, jean shorts and red converse trainers on sitting on the floor crying. She mustn’t have been anymore than 5 years old. Her little hands covered her eyes and her knees were brought up to her chin. I walked over and sat opposite her.
“Hello. Are you lost?” I asked softly. She nodded yes, meaning her straight blonde hair bounced around.
“My names Alex, what’s yours?
“I'm Tammie.” She said looking up at me with brown eyes similar to mine.
“Well Tammie, are you gonna tell me why your crying?”
“Luke started fighting with me and then I got told off so then I decided to run away and now I can’t find my sister and my tooth came out!” explained the little girl, holding the tooth in her hand to show me.
I gave the little girl a hug and said
“Hey, the tooth fairy will come tonight then, let’s go find your sister” I said standing up.
“Really?” she asked smiling, with a gap in her front teeth.
“Really now let’s go!” I helped her up and I expected her to let go of my hand, but she didn’t, she kept hold of it all the time we walked around the super market looking for her sister. She was a cute kid, and really talkative. Worse than Jack after an energy drink.
“So, this is nice, you know, doing the shopping for your Mom” I said to Tammie
“I don't have a Mom” smiled the little girl holding my hand.
“Why don’t y-“
“ANNA!” shouted Tammie, Anna ran down the aisle and pulled the girl into a tight hug. She fell so that she was level with Tammie. After she released her she said
“What did I tell you Tammie? Why did you run off? You had me worried.”
“Sorry Anna but Luke started fighting with me and then I got told off so then I decided to run away and then I couldn’t find you. Oh and my tooth came out!” she said holding in Anna’s face smiling widely.
“No way Tammie!”
“Alex says that the tooth fairy will come tonight!”
She looked back to me and waved. Anna stood up and walked over to me and did something I thought she would never do. She hugged me, and it was perfect. Not to tight and not to weak. I hugged her back as she whispered in my ear
“Thanks Alex” she pulled away and smiled at me again. She took her sisters hand and walked away. She was a good sister to Tammie, but who were all those other kids? And what happened to Her’s and Tammie’s mom?
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