Living in a Broken Dream

What The Hell Alex

A few weeks passed and the more Alex became nicer to me. It was strange at first but then I kinda got used to it. That's when he dropped a bombshell on me,
‘Anna, please can you pretend to be my girlfriend?”
“What?!” I shouted at him while slamming my locker shut.
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend, so that I can get Misty back.” Misty was Alex’s ex. She was a bitch. But she was pretty. She had long blond hair that reached the middle of her back, it sat in perfect ringlets. Her face had a bit too much make-up on for my liking, her eyes were a deep blue, and her body had curves in all the right places. Why the hell did Alex ask me to be his ‘Girlfriend’ then?
“Why Alex?”
He thought for a while then said “I want to get her back, or at least show her what she's missing.”
I thought for a moment and sighed. I really didn’t want to, but Alex looked kinda happy with her.
“Okay Alex, we start tomorrow.”
“All right Anna. Cya tomorrow!” and off he ran down the hallway.

I went home and started my history homework, there is no way I'm going to finish this. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. That's when Emily and Jack came bouncing through the door with a screaming Evelyn with a bloody knee in Jacks arms.
“What happened Em and hi Jack?” I asked jumping out of my seat to the first aid kit a bit confused.
“She fell of the swing and I didn’t have any plasters and then she wouldn’t stop crying then because she was crying Lottie started crying and then Tammie started crying so then I had a car full of crying kids and I didn’t know what to do!” she said looking like she was going to burst out crying too.

Jack gave her a one armed hug and kissed her cheek. She smiled slightly and him and looked at me.
I gave her a warm smile and said “It’s alright Em, now let’s look at her knee”
Jack placed Evelyn on the kitchen worktop and I looked at her knee.
“Is is bad Anna?” whimpered Evelyn holding onto Jacks hand tightly. I looked up at Jack who looked a bit surprised and how tightly Evelyn was holding his hand.
“No sweetie, you’ll have a little scar but that’s it. Now I'm going to put some special spray on your knee so it may sting a little okay?” she nodded and hid her head in Jacks arm. I sprayed the stuff on her knee and she gave a little cry, but she was okay. I placed a bright pink plaster on her cut and helped her off the table.
“Thanks Anna” she said giving me a hug.
“And thank you Jackie” she said to him hugging his leg. He smiled down at her and said
“You were very brave Evelyn” She gave him one last hug and left the kitchen.
I washed my hand s and placed the bloody tissue in the bin. I sighed and sat back down to try and do my homework. Key word, TRY.
“Is that your History Anna?” asked Jack sitting opposite me.
I looked up and nodded at him.
“I heard something about you.” He stated while eating a banana.
“What did you hear?”Ask ask taking a mouthful of water.
“That you asked Alex out. I thought we were friends, why didn’t you tell me?”
That's when I sprayed water all over him.
“Ewwwww Anna, that's gross” whined Jack whipping the sprayed water off his face.
“WHAT??” I shouted
“Well Alex said that you liked him more than a friend and that you asked him out”
I was fuming by now. I. Am. Going. To. KILL. Him
“No way Jack, he asked me to go out with him so that he could get back at his ex” I explained.
“What? Why would he do that?” Jack asked scratching him head confused.
“He told me, and I quote, ‘I want to get her back, or at least show her what she's missing’”
He sighed and shook his head and helped me with my homework.
“Anna!” shouted a distant Emily
“Yeah?” I shouted back
“What time is it?”
I looked down at my watch “6:30......why?”
“Damn, I was supposed to be at my Nana’s at like 6:00” she shouted getting closer to me. She ran into the kitchen with one shoe in hand.
“Jack, can please take me home now?” she asked while balancing on one leg putting her shoe on.
“Sure, I’ll get my coat” said Jack leaving the room, catching Emily before she fell over. He kissed her lips and stood her up straight. He walked to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek [in a friend way] saying
“Ciao Anna. Good luck with your new ‘Boyfriend’ “he said laughing “I’ll meet you in the car Em” and with that he left leaving me with a confused looking Emily.
“What Boyfriend?” she asked.
“Alex asked me to be his girlfriend” I huffed. She squealed and gave me a hug, jumping up and down.
“Oh my God, I totally knew it!”
“I KNEW IT! Jack said I was wrong but I just knew it”
“We could go on double dates and OH we could-“
“He asked me out so he could get back at his girlfriend.”
“YEA- What? You mean he’s not really your boyfriend?” she asked sadly.
“Yeah, that's right Em” I said softly. She looked more upset then I should be.
“ okay? I’ll see you tomorrow Anna” she smiled at me.
“Bye Em, Bye Jack!” I shouted through the front doorway. He waved back through the car window, laughing at the conversation Em and I just had.
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