Living in a Broken Dream

"Act Now"

I woke up as usual and got changed. The weather was bad today, cold and rainy. I put my clothes on, sorted my hair and walked downstairs. I waved goodbye to Liz and Ben and made pack up for those who needed it. I then started my daily job of waking everyone up. After getting everyone ready we were finally ready to go. Teddy and I dropped everyone off and made our way to school. I was mentally preparing myself for the days ahead. We got out the car and Teddy guiltily looked at me.
“Anna, please don't be mad”
“Why would I be mad?” I questioned.
He looked at me for a moment and replied
“I don't think I can take you home tonight”
“WHAT?” I shouted
“I have football training after school for the next week and some person is coming to see if I can go to a special college, you know how much this means to me Anna”
I sighed and ran my fingers through my fringe. I did know how much this meant to him.
“Okay, but I got you a lift for the week!”
I just blinked at him. He knew so many strange people and I didn’t want one of them taking me and 5 kids home.
“Jack Barakat”
I let out a sigh of relief and nodded, telling him okay.
“Well, good luck with your football” I said sorting my shirt out.
“Thanks Kid!” he said ruffling my hair.
Why does everyone ruffle my hair?
I pushed him off and walked towards my locker, and saw Alex stood there.
“Good Moring Anna!” he said walking up to me, kissing my cheek.
“G-G-Good morning Alex” I said slightly blushing as Jack and Em walked up. I opened my locker and pulled my folder out.
“Misty’s coming, act now” he whispered in my ear. I pretended to giggle grabbed his hand in mine.
“Alex, you’re so funny” I giggled
“Just for you babe” he said smiling down at me. That's when Misty looked over at us.

Alex’s POV
I saw Misty walk around the corner. I whispered in Anna’s ear
“Misty’s coming, act now” and she did by giggling and grabbing my hand.
“Alex you’re so funny” she giggled again.
“Only for you babe” I responded looking down at her. That's when Misty looked our way.
“She’s looking this way” I mumbled down at her.
That's when she stretched up and kissed my cheek, wrapping her arm around my waist, giving me a kinda sideways hug. I wrapped my arm around her waist and looked up to see Misty walking towards us. She stopped walking, pushing Jack and Emily’s entwined hands apart. She put a manicured hand on her hip and said,
“So, are you two, like dating now?”
I looked down to Anna and smiled
“Yeah we are”
“Totally” squeaked Anna.
She looked us and smiled.
“Well congrats guys” and with that she walked off.
We watched as she walked down the corridor, Anna and I slowly un-attached ourselves.
“Well that went well” said Jack looking at us. Just as I was gonna respond the bell rang signalling to go to lesson.
“Cya in a bit Em, come on Anna” said Jack giving Em a quick kiss.
They walked away towards English, whereas Em and I had Maths.
“Let’s go Gaskarth” said Em, pulling me along.

Anna’s POV
I walked with Jack to English.
“Hey, I'm your ride home tonight right?” he asked
I nodded “Hey Jack?”
“..I need to go pick up the rest of my family from the pre-school”
“I know Anna” he said smiling, opening the door for me.

FF end of the day.
“Alright Anna, I’ll see you tomorrow. Don't wear a jacket, you’ll be wearing mine.” Instructed Alex.
I nodded and smiled weakly at him.
I sat in Jack’s car, waiting for him to finish making out with Emily.
“JACK, we gotta go!” I shouted from inside the car. He just nodded and carried on. That's when I wined the window down and pulled his arm. That got his attention. He gave her one last kiss and opened the door. He sighed and looked at me smiling. He ruffled my hair and chuckled when I pushed him away.
We pulled up to the pre-school and I jumped out the car. Unknown to me, Jack followed. I stood waiting in my usual place.
“I haven’t been here for ages “said someone’s voice next to me, making me jumps. Jack laughed, shaking his head. Then the kids came piling out.
“ANNA, ANNA!!” shouted a selection of voices. I looked up and saw Luke and Tammie bounding towards me. I smile as they jump on me, telling me about their day.
“Jack!” shouts Evelyn, running up to Jack. He scoops her up and gives her a hug. That's when Tammie and Luke see him too.
“JACK” They shout, scrambling to get out of my grip and into Jack’s. He laughs and bends down to give them all a hug.
“Alright guys let’s go” I say taking hold on Tammie and Luke’s hands. I looked behind and Jack had Evelyn’s hand. Jack unlocked the car and we strapped them all in. We drove to Eva’s friends and picked her up. She had to sit with Tammie on her knee as there wasn’t enough room in Jacks car.
We got out the car and walked down the drive.
“Jack, the key is under the flower pot” I shouted while going into the neighbors’ house. I knocked on the door and the elderly woman answered the door with a bright smile.
“Hey Mrs Watson” I said politely.
“Hello dear, Lottie’s in the back room” I smiled and went in to get her.
“Hey Lottie” I said softly
Her little head turned around and she smiled brightly
“Nana!” she squealed crawling towards me.
I picked her up and placed her on my hip. I smiled again at Mrs Watson and showed myself out.
I walked through the front door to see Jack dancing enthusiastically to the Lazy Town theme. I coughed and he turned around. I raised an eyebrow and he just laughed, causing me to laugh. I walked into the kitchen and placed Lottie in her highchair. She just sat there chatting to her teddy. I looked at the picture on the fridge. It was a picture of Mom, Luke, Tammie, Sidney and I. I smiled and ran my finger over Mom’s face.
“She’s pretty” said Jack.
“I know” I said looking at him.
“Who is she?”
I paused and said “That's my Mom”
“What happened to her?”
Well I should tell him as I'm going to be spending the next week with him.
I looked him in the eye and said “She died”
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