Living in a Broken Dream


It had been about 2 weeks now and the whole school was convinced that Alex and I were an item. It even had Misty convinced. Alex would hold doors open for me, hold my hand, kiss me, whatever a boyfriend does. It was kinda nice. I sat in front of the mirror, brushing my hair. I was staring into space thinking about tomorrow. I was brought out of my daydream by a coughing Luke. I picked up the cough mixture and walked into his room, tactically avoiding the action figures on the floor. I could make out his figure sat up in his bed. I turned his lamp on and calmed him down. I gave him his medicine and tucked him into bed again.
“I don't like being sick Anna” he whined to me causing another coughing fit. I put my hand in his forehead
“Damn Luke, you’re burning up” I said standing up and getting a thermometer. I put it in his mouth, waited for a moment, it read 100.2.
“I don't think you’ll be off to school tomorrow sweetie” I said brushing the hair off his forehead.
“Get some rest” I gave him a kiss, turned off his lamp and closed his door. There’s a bug going around his school, Evelyn had it as well. Monday’s tomorrow so I’ll have to have the day off school to look after them. I fall backwards onto my bed and close my eyes, ive been up all weekend with Evelyn coughing. I looked at my clock, 10:30pm.

I smacked my alarm clock off and stretched. I close my eyes for like a seconds and its 6:30am. That's when I hear a cough, Luke was laid up against me. I slowly get out of bed and get changed. I wake everyone up and in no time at all everyone is sat at the table eating breakfast. I texted Emily that I wouldn’t be coming today because of Luke and Evelyn. i waved Teddy and the kids away, wondering what to do. Luke and Evelyn were upstairs in their rooms, and Lottie was playing in her bedroom.
“Right, you need your medicine Luke!” I said holding the spoon close to his mouth. He made a grunting noise and turned his head away. I sighed and tried again, and failed again. Then the doorbell rang,
“Hey, Alex is at the door!” shouted Evelyn, who then had another coughing fit. I ran my fingers through my hair and stood up looking back at Luke saying
“This isn’t over”
I walked down the stairs wondering why he was here. I opened the door and Evelyn attacked him in a hug.
“Hey Evelyn” said Alex scooping her up. She tried to say something but ended up in another coughing fit. He walked in, closed the door behind him and put her on the couch. He said with her till she finished coughing then stood up to meet me.
“Hey Anna” he said walking up to me then giving me a kiss on the cheek, followed by him making his way into the kitchen.
“hey Alex.........not to be rude is anything but why are you here?” I asked following him.
“Well girlfriend of mine” insert my eye roll here “Emily told me you wasn’t coming to school today, so being the amazing boyfriend that I am, I should be helping my girlfriend”
“But-“ I was about to reply but I heard Luke coughing upstairs. I sighed again and ran my fingers through my hair.
“Alright Alex, if you can get Luke to have his medicine, you can stay. Deal?” He smiled and ran upstairs. I walk up after him shaking my head from side to side; I open Luke’s door and Alex giving him his medicine. How the hell did he manage to do that? Luke yawned and stretched.
“Alright kid, you need sleep” said Alex as he pulled the quilts up to Luke's chin.
“Okay Alex” said Luke closing his eyes
“Sleep tight rock star!” said Alex as he pulled my out the room and downstairs
“How did you get him to have the medicine?” I asked as we stood in the kitchen.
“I said that I’d play football with his as soon as he got better” he shrugged. Coughing came from the front room and I left Alex to look after Evelyn

I'd spent the entire day running around after Evelyn and Lottie, while Alex was kind enough to help out with Luke. I plopped onto the sofa, next to Alex.
“God I'm tired” said Alex yawning.
I yawned with him said “yeah, thank you for helping me today Alex”
“hey no problem, that's what I'm here for”
“Alex, you’re not even my real boyfriend” I chuckled
“not yet” I looked at him funny, then I heard a noise
Jacks car pulled into the drive, full of kids. They ran out the car, pulling Jack with them.
“Hey guys!”
What did Alex mean by that? i wondered to myself.