Status: on hold.

Lilly's Bucket List

Lets Pack Our Bags and Go.

  • Meet The Chicago Blackhawks
  • Sit behind the glass at a Blackhawks game
  • Witness an Eclipse at Grant Park
  • Learn to play hockey
  • Learn to play golf
  • Learn to skate.
  • Take up fishing
  • Swim in Lake Michigan
  • Become fluent in French
  • Sing the National Anthem live in front of an large crowd
  • Dance the Tango
  • Dive in an Aquarium
  • A Kiss on top of the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier
  • Ride a Elephant
  • Visit the Whitehouse
  • Kiss the Stanley Cup
  • Die Happy

    "Jon, please tell me where we're going!" I exclaimed while my eyes were currently covered by a blindfold. "I can't tell you that right now, but we're almost there." For about five more minutes, I felt the car come to a slight stop and the car turn off. "Wait right here." Jon said and I nodded. Next thing I knew I was out the car and I could hear lots of noises.

    "Are you ready to see your surprise?" Jon whispered in my ear, and I felt the chills go down my spine. "Yeah," I replied using the same tone. The blind soon fell from my eyes and my jaw dropped. I was at Navy Pier in all it's glory. I looked towards Jon and he had the biggest grin plastered on his face. "I figured we'd have a nice day here at the Pier on my day off." He grabbed my hand and we went to go ride the rides and walk around.

    "Let's play 20 questions" I told him while we chose to sit down and eat after riding the Carousel, Swings, and played Mini Golf. "Alright, I'll go first." Jon replied. I nodded and took a sip of our vanilla and chocolate swirl milkshake. "What's your favorite food?" "Uhm, I'd have to say cupcakes." I laughed. "What's one of your favorite things to do besides hockey." "Golf, I always go golfing with my dad and some friends back at home alot." “I’d always wanted to play like actual golf.” “I’d have to teach you then” Jon replied with a sweet smile. “I would love that very much Mr. Toes” I giggled using his other nickname that Sharpie uses. He groaned and scrunched his nose.

    We were finishing our milkshakes when the sun was about to go down, Jon grabbed my hand and ushered me towards the Ferris Wheel. We both got on the gondola and we rode to the top. Once we reached the top we saw the sun beginning to set and it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. I looked to Jon to see him staring at me, and inch my inch we were getting closer and our noses were touching. I could feel his breath on my lips and soon his were connected to mine in the sweetest and softest way possible, it was like those romantic novels where the girl’s heart fluttered and fireworks were going off, it was better than those novels to me.

    When the gondola’s started moving again, Jon broke the kiss much to my dismay and smiled sheepishly. I blushed and he kissed the top of my nose. When we turned to look at other things, I secretly touched my lips and smiled feeling the spark of fireworks still lingering on. “Now you can cross off ‘Kiss on top of the ferris wheel’ off your list.” Jon said and that felt like a punch in the gut. He’s only doing this because of that stupid list. I instantly felt sick to my stomach and was ready to get off this ferris wheel and go home away from Jon. Once the we were at the bottom, the guy opened the door and I bolted out of there and went straight to Jon’s tahoe. Jon unlocked his car and I got in stubbornly.

    “Are you okay?” Jon asked confused. “Yeah, I’m just ready to go home.” I said annoyed. He mumbled an okay and started the car and we rode in silence. After 15 minutes, Jon parked the Tahoe in my driveway and I said my goodbye and bolted out the car before he got the chance to unbuckle his seatbelt. I slammed my bedroom door and locked it before bursting out into tears on my bed. I heard a knock on my door, “Lilly, honey, open the door.” I heard my mom say. “NO! Just leave me alone!” I sobbed back and I heard her sigh and I continued to cry the whole night. I just wanna leave this world right now


    I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching t.v with Shooter while Abby was in the kitchen talking on the phone with someone. I flipped to ESPN when Abby came in the living room with a worried expression. “That was Lilly’s mom, she told me that Lilly has been getting weaker by the minute. She’s scared on her health, she said that Lilly went home crying her eyes out last night after her day with Jon. Can you call him and ask him what happened?” Abby asked me and I nodded my head and grabbed the phone from her outstretched hand.

    I dialed Jon’s number and put the phone to my ear. “Hello?” a muffled voice said through the phone. “Jon, its Sharp.” I said into the phone. “Got a minute?” “Yeah” he replied. “What happened yesterday when you dropped off Lilly after your day at Navy Pier?” I asked him and I heard him sigh deeply into the phone. “Man, I don’t know. After the ferris wheel, she just started acting all distant. I don’t know what I did wrong.” “Well did you do anything to upset her while being on the ferris wheel?” I asked him accusingly. He mumbled something but I didn’t catch on what he said. “say that again?
I didn’t hear you.” “I kissed her.” he said louder and my eyes widened in shock. “You wh-what?!” “It was on the list and I kissed her. She wanted a kiss on top of the ferris wheel and I felt it was a good oppertunity, and I told her that she could cross that part off.” he replied defensivley. Abby must’ve heard because she ripped the phone from my hands and started yelling at him. “Jon! You don’t just tell her that after you kiss her! That’s the reason she started crying! By saying that you probably made her feel that you were doing this because she was dying and not for the feelings. She is heartbroken because she thought you kissed her because you liked her. Jon, you royaly screwed up!” Abby ranted. “You have to find a way to fix this, because all of this isn’t good for her, she’s getting weaker Jon.” she said back to whatever he said to her on the phone. “Alright bye call me back asap!” Abby hung up and she faced me, “He said he’ll fix it and see you tomorrow at morning skate.” She kissed me and headed in our room. I followed tiredly ready to sleep with my wife.
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Sorry it's not long, and sorry I haven't been updating. Been busy with work and babysitting. But, I'll try and update later tonight. Comment, Rate, Subscribe. Don't be a silent reader! :D