Status: Active

Never Forget


"So, what now?" Bam asked, when it was just his parents, Ville, Alen, Aden and I in the living room.

"I say we get chocolate wasted," Aden said as he put his feet on my lap.

"I do have a hankering for chocolate ice cream," Alen said.

"Are you guys on your period?" I asked them with a raised brow.

"No," they said together.

I nodded my head and said to Ape,"Do you have anything to eat? I haven't really eaten since you called me."

"Honey! That's terrible! I'm going to get some more meat on your bones!" Ape said as she got up and headed for the kitchen.

"Woman! Are you trying to make me look like Vito! That is horrible! I'm telling!" I yelled out.

I heard her laughter as their was some banging noises from the kitchen. Giggling, I looked back at the room. Bam and Ville were talking to each other, looking at me from the corner of there eye. Looking at the twins, I saw that they were texting. No doubt there girlfriends. Breathing deeply, I threw my head to the back of the couch. I was just about to close my eyes when my phone rang. Taking it out from my bra, I saw that it was the last person I wanted to talk to.

"How the hell did you get this number?!" I hissed as I got up from the couch.

"Aw, baby. Is that the way to talk to your boyfriend?" he cooed.

"You are not my boyfriend. We are through. How hard is it to get it through your hard head!" I grounded out as I walked to the back porch.

"You will always be mine! Never forget that you fucking whore!" John yelled.

I moved the phone from my ear before yelling 'Fuck you!' and hanging up. I felt like throwing my phone out into the woods close to the house but I knew that Zee was going to call me. Running my hands through my hair, I took several deep breaths before going back into the room. Closing the door behind me, I saw that Aden was already up.

"Are you alright?" Aden asked, worry clear in his voice.

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Aden."

"Was it him," Alen asked.

I nodded my head and sat down on the couch. Looking at Ville and Bam, I saw that they were looking at me. Bam opened his mouth and was about to say something when my phone rang again. This time looking at the screen, I saw that it was Zee.

"Hey Zacky!" I said with a smile.

"Hey, chickadee. How you doing there?" he asked.

"I'm doing okay.It's just alot to take in, ya know?"

Zacky sighed," Yeah. I know. But I wanted to know when your getting back. I want to set an appointment."

I laughed and shook my head.

"We're heading back early tomorrow. Come in around noon. I'm booked in the morning."

"Sweet. The guys want to know if you can do them too," Zacky said.

"Are you calling me a slut! You the slut! Hogging the freaking ice cream and moaning so loud!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Shut up! They want to know if you could tat them up."

"Oh! Why didn't you just say that. Sure. Bring them in."

"Alright! Hey, gotta go! Gena's on my ass why I'm not naked yet," Zee said.

"Whoa! To much info there buddy. Got get laid for me," I said with a laugh.

"Okay. See ya!" and with that, he hung up.

"Freaking horn dog," I said with a smile.

"Zacky and the boys want to get tatted up?" Alen asked.

"Yeah. Tomorrow on noon," I said.

"Um, Nyx?" Ville said, uncertain.

I turned to look at him.


"I was wondering if you can tat me and Bam tomorrow too. If it's possible," he said.

I smiled at him and said," Yeah. Just come jet out with us and I'll be about to do it after the boys."

Ville smiled back.


Bam looked at me and it looked like he was about to say something when Ape called us that the food was ready. The twins got up and ran to the smell of food. Ville, Bam and I all got up and headed to the kitchen. All the while, Bam looked at me.
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So, what do you think?

And please check out my new story, Help! I need sombody! I wanna know what you think. Keep or kick?