Status: Active

Never Forget


When we arrived to the small airport here in West Chester, I called Ape to notify her that we have arrived. Telling me that she and Phil were on their way, I said okay before we hung up at the same time. Looking over at the twins, I saw that their eyes were still red from crying. We've all been crying for weeks. But, despite the pain that we are all feeling, we still went to work. Kat called me and we both cried over the phone. Aside from Phil, Ape, and Angie knowing that Ryan was my father, Kat was one of the few we decided to tell. Sighing, I began to play with the necklace that my dad gave me for my seventeenth birthday. I still remember that day like it was just yesterday.

Dad and I took a trip to London, England and it was their that I got my first hangover. He took me shopping in the underground life. It was freaking epic. Their taste in fashion was so....Indescribable, that I basically wasted about three thousand dollars of my own money on it. Dad laughed at me when I had to get another suitcase to fit everything it.

"But it was worth it," I grunted out as I tried to zip the bag up.

Dad just laughed and gave me a hand.

"Nyx. Their here," I heard Alen say, breaking through the memory.

Looking up, I saw Phil and Ape walking towards us. Getting to my feet, I ran over to Ape. Ape opened her arms and we embraced. I sobbed in her shoulder and she stroked my head while patting my back.

"Shh shh shh. It's alright honey. Just let it out," Ape said in a soothing tone.

I continued to sob a bit more before I got the strength to lift my head off her shoulder.

"How are you, sweetie?" she asked me as she kissed my cheek.

"Aside from everything that is going , I"n okay," I said as I hugged Phil.

"Good. So, Who's going to stay with us?" Ape asked.

"We are," Alen and Aden said at the same time.

Ape smiled at them and brought them into a hug too.

"My oh my. Look how much you two have grown!" Ape gushed, making them blush red as a tomato.

I laughed at them and reached over to take my bag from Aden's hand.

"Are you ready?" Ape asked.

We nodded and followed her out to her purple PT Cruiser. After getting everything in the trunk of her car, we all piled into the car before heading off to her home. Since it was already getting dark, I really couldn't admire the hometown where my father grew up. He told me straight out when I was fourteen that he didn't know how to introduce me to his friends and I understood. He actually met Angie through me. Angie also swore not to tell the guys. Dad said, in his own words, "I want to tell them when she turns twenty-one. No sooner or no later." But now, it seems to me that it has to be sooner since my birthday isn't for another three weeks.

It was a twenty-five minute drive to Ape's house so when she pulled up to the drive-way, I was already so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Piling out, the twins and I grabbed out luggage and followed her in.

"I'm guessing right now your really tired. I'll show you where the room is," Ape said as she walked up the stairs.

Following behind her, we passed three doors before stopping in front of one that had a purple door. Opening the door, I saw that the walls were all purple with HIM, Cradle of Filth, The 69 Eyes and other posters in frames around it.

"This is where you'll be staying, Nyx," Ape said.

"Thank you, April," I said, hugging her.

"Your welcome, honey. Now rest. Tomorrow is going to be an emotional day," Ape said.

I nodded in agreement and walked inside. Ape closed the door behind her when I dropped myself onto the bed. I didn't get out of my day clothes when darkness consumed me and took me under.
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here's the next one. I hope you like it