Status: Active

Never Forget


As I drove my blue Lambo to the church where the service was being helped, I couldn't help but remember all the crazy shit Dunn and I did alone this stretch of road. I smiled and shook my head. Wiping away the sudden tears that appeared, I stepped on the pedal a little bit harder to get to my destination. Parking my car, I saw Ape standing next to a girl with a body fitted dark blue sleeveless dress, showing off her tattoos, some dark blue heels, and a real big black and blue floppy hat. I looked at them curiously as I shut my car off. Ape looked over at my direction and turned back to say something to the girl, who nodded and walked towards the church, two guys following beside her. I pressed the key lock and heard a click before walking over to where Ape now stood alone.

"Who was that?" I asked her after giving her a hug.

"You'll find out soon enough son. But for now, we have to get everything ready," Ape said.

I have her a confused look before following her to the black car that was parked at the rear of the door. As we walked towards it, I saw Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Preston, Wee-Man and Phil standing there.

"Hey guys," I said as I gave them all a bro-hug.

"Hey man. Fuck. I can't believe he's gone," Knoxville said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I know,man. It's to fucking surreal," I said.

"So how are we going to enter?" Steve-O asked.

"After everyone arrives, I told the priest to play 'Cradle Of Filth' as we enter, caring the casket," I said, leaning into the car.

The guys nodded and we began to talk in low voices. About twenty minutes later, people began to arrive. The first was Angie with her mother and younger brother. Ape said that she'll go and make sure everyone is situated. Leaning back into the car, I stared up at the crystal clear sky. Closing my eyes, I could have sworn that I heard my best Friend's laughter.

"Bam," Someone said.

Opening my eyes, I stared into my fathers.

"It's time," he said.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and went to the back. The door was opened my Wee-Man and their, right before me was a dark red casket. Standing in position, the casket was pushed forward and Phil and I grasped it before pulling it a bit more forward before the rest of the guys grabbed hold. Heaving it up and over our shoulders, we slowly began to walk towards the entrance of the church. When I heard the familiar tune, I began to walk forward, the rest following in perfect sync. As we entered and began to walk down the isle, everyone stood and turned to us. Everyone we've were known was there. Friends and family alike. At the front was Angie. Along with Ape, Kat, Ville, Jussi, Jyrki, Iggy, Lyn-Z, the girl with the big hat and the guys that were with her in the parking lot.

When we arrived at the front of the church, we placed the casket on the metal holders before taking our seats. The priest came in then and set his bible down in front of him. Opening it up, he cleared his throat.

"Dearly beloved," he began," We are gathered her today to morn the lost Ryan Matthew Dunn. Ryan was beloved by everyone that he came in contact with. His good personality and great spirit knew how to get a crowd going. He did the unthinkable and, despite having as many injuries as he 's had, he was happy to do it. Ryan was a brother to all and a great and loving partner to the love of his life, Angie. Before we hear what some have to say, let's bow our heads in prayer."

Everyone bowed their heads and the priest began to say a prayer. It even shocked me to see that I was also doing the same thing. I really wasn't one to go to church every Sunday, but I always kept my mind open to the possibilities that were out there. After thirty minutes of the guy droning on and on, it was finally time for people to say how they remembered Dunn. Some were funny and an amazing reminder on how a good friend he was and others were so deep, that it brought more tears to my eyes. When it was finally my turn, I told them on how Dunn and I would still be up drinking, talking about what we're going to do later on. How Dunn wanted to start a family and settle down with Angie. How he planed on proposing to her. And just how much of a good friend and 'brother' he was. After saying my final words that were, "I know that Dunn is looking down on us, watching over us," I walked down to my seat. When I had barley took my seat, I heard Ape talking to the girl. I looked over and saw them in a heated conversation before the girl sighed and stood up. I followed her as she walked up to the podium. Reaching up, she was beginning to take her hat off when she called out:

"Ape! The damn hat wont come off!" the girl said.

When I heard her voice, I couldn't help but feel something inside me melt. Everyone chuckled a bit before Ape called out.

"Honey, their attached to bobby pins."

"Oh, right," the girl said before removing the pins.

When she finally took her hat off, everything seemed to go into slow motion. As she shook out her hair, I couldn't help but admire on how the light reflected off of it. But, as I continued to stair, I couldn't help but compare her hair to Dunn's. They both had the same dirty blond locks. I looked at her, confused.

She took another deep breath before speaking:

"I know your all probably wondering who the hell I am and why the hell I'm up here. But that's how he intended it to be. You see, about twenty years ago, this man here met my mother and, I'm going to say this bluntly, they had sex on more then one occasion. Nine months later, a baby girl was born. That little baby girl, at first glance this man gave her, she became his world. Despite him being fourteen, he stepped up to the plate and became the best fucking dad this girl ever asked for. Who is this little girl, you are probably wondering, well, I'll tell you. This little girl was me. Nyx Nuray Dunn. And if your going to jump out of your seats and say. 'You are not his daughter! He doesn't have a kid cause if he did, he would have told us a long time ago." The reason he didn't want to tell you about me if because he didn't want me in the eye of the media and he didn't know how people would react to a fourteen year old boy having a kid and staying with her as she grew. To say the least, he was scared.

"But, besides that. My father was the best of the best. In my eyes. Whenever he could, he would always have time to take me out for we could have a bit of father daughter time. Even if he comes over to see me before a movie premiere or if he was dog tired from a long ass flight, he never disappointed. He taught me many things but most importantly, he taught me to follow my dreams and keep my head held him. This man was great at what he did and I am glad to call him my father."

And with that, the girl took hold of her hat and walked down to reclaim her seat. Since Angie was sitting next to her, they brought each other into hugs and sobbed on each other shoulders. As the service went on, I couldn't keep my eyes off this girl. This has got to be a joke, thought as the service finally ended and I was caring the casket out with the guys and my dad up to the plot I reserved for him. They girl was still with Angie as the walked behind the box where my best friend now rested. As they lowered him to be now six feet under, the thought of this being a joke kept running through my head. But, if it wasn't, then why did Dunn actually kept this a secret all these years?
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I don't know how to write funeral stuff so I hope you like.

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