Status: Active

Never Forget


"Come on. We're going back to Bam's place and have a get together," Angie said as we linked arms.

I nodded and followed her to her SUV. The twins said that they were going to ride with Ape, knowing that Angie and I needed a moment together. Getting into her blue SUV, I buckled in and waited for her to finish talking to her mother and brother. As I waited, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. When they were closed, memories began to flood back into my mind. How I introduced them and how and would treat me like a daughter. I was about thirteen or fourteen when Angie came over to my house to help me out on my math homework. I didn't know that dad was coming over so when I opened the door, his eyes fell on Angie and grew twice their size. Grinning, it became my mission to set these two together. When I accomplished this, I felt a jolt of satisfaction.

I was suddenly brought out from my thoughts when I heard the car door slam shut. Looking up, I saw Angie start the SUV up.

"Hi, Honey. How you holding up?" she asked me as she followed behind Ape's car.

"It's still surreal. I was talking to him three days ago. Filling him in how the shops doing and everything," I said as I wiped away the tears that came out.

"I know the feeling. I was talking to him four days ago. Telling him that I think it was time for the guys to know about you."

I laughed a little and shook my head.

"And let me guess, he said 'no'. You guys got into a heated argument and had floor sex."

"Hey! How'd you know?" Angie asked with a small blush.

"I guessed," I said, smiling at her.

Angie looked over at me and smiled back.

"You know. Sometimes I feel like you came out of me instead of another," she said as she drove down a private road.

"Whoa! T.M.I woman! And how many times have I told you, you are my biological mother. Well, to a slandered that others think is crazy."

Angie laughed a little before parking next to a purple Lambo and turning her SUV off. Turning in her seat, we looked at each other.

"Ready to get bombarded by mayhem?"

Grabbing my bag from the floor, I nodded and said," Hell yeah."

Angie smiled at me before we got out of the car. Grabbing hold of my hand like a mother does to her young daughter, we headed into the beautiful castle like structure. Walking deeper and deeper into the home, I began to hear people talking. When Angie and I entered the room, everyone grew quiet and looked over at me. More persicly, me. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to where the twins were.

"You have the tape with you?" Alen whispered in my ear.

I nodded and patted my bag. I was talking silently to Ape and Phil when somebody tapped me on the shoulder. Turning, my hazel eyes looked straight into deep blue ones.

"So, your Dunn's daughter?" Bam said.

I nodded.

"Really? Then why, do tell, did you suddenly decide to come here?"

I gave him a 'are you fucking serious look'.

"Are you serious? Dude, are you fucking stupid or what? I came here to attend my father's memorial service. But, if you really don't believe my words, here, have a look at this," I said as I took out the DVD and thruster it in his direction.

Bam looked at it before taking it. He walked over to his T.V set and placed it in the DVD player. He pressed play from the remote and sat down on the couch. His and dads friends did the same while Ape, Phil, the twins, Angie and I behind. Their was a blank screen before dads face popped up.

"Hey Nyx! The camera's on!" I heard his voice call out.

"That's great, dad! Just don't do another prono!" I heard my voice call out.

"Hey! That was one time! And it was for 'Haggard'!" Dad called back.

"And yet, despite it being my favorite movie, I'm still traumatize," I said in a normal tone when the camera was fixated on me.

I heard dads laugh before the camera moved and dad was suddenly beside me.

"Say hi, Nyx," Dad said.

"Hi Nyx!" I said, waving frantically at the camera.

"Smart-ass. Your lucky I love you," Dad mumbled as he kissed my temple.

I made a face and smiled up at him.

"Alright. The reason behind this is because I know that the guys back in West Chester won't believe you when you say your my kid while I'm in Cancun with Angie having hot monkey sex," Dad said.

"Oh my fucking God! Dunn, you are so fucking getting it!" Angie's voice called out as she ran into the room.

Dad handed me the camera and ran before she caught up with him. I was laughing uncontrollable and chased them around the house. Turing the camera to face me, I smiled into it and said:

"This is just how they act on a bored day. But when something comes up, you don't want to know why I can't find the camera."

Their was a crash sound before someone yelled out in victory.

The camera moved and it was suddenly on the ground, where Angie was straddling dad and they were making out.

"Whoa whoa hey! I said no prono! Their are children in the house!" I said.

"Yeah! Listen to you kid, Dunn!" Aden yelled out.

I turned the camera and it fell upon the twins.

"Hey! Their is nothing wrong to be doing this," dad said as he got up the floor.

I laughed and placed it on the table. We sat around the table, in line of the camera.

"Alright. Let's get down to business," Dad said, planting his hands on the table," Your my kid, right? Right down to the tiniest hair on you head."

"Right!" I said.

"Good. We're done. Oh wait," dad said, looking at the camera," Margera. If you doubt or so much as give my daughter a fucking nasty ass look, I am going to kick you ass."

And with that, the screen went blank. Everyone was silent before slowly, one by one, the turned to look at me.
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