Status: Active

Never Forget


While everyone turned to look at the girl behind me, I kept staring at the screen. Shocked. Angie knew about her too? Who else knew about this girl and never told me about it. Getting up, I turned to look at the people who were standing behind the couch.

"Who else knew about her?" I asked in a calm tone.

Everyone looked among themselves before Ape and Phil stepped forward.

I looked at them as the breath that had been in my lungs suddenly whooshed out of me.

"You guys knew about her?" I asked, feeling betrayed.

Phil nodded while Ape answered.

"We knew because Ryan came to us when she was three to ask if we can be her Godparents," Ape said, looking at me straight in the eye.

"Who else?" I asked, turning from them.

"Me," I heard Angie say.

I whirled around and saw that she was standing next to her, grabbing hold of her hand.

"And how did you find out?" I asked, more like seethed.

Angie turned and smiled at her,"She was the one to introduce me to Dunn. I went over to her home when she was thirteen to help her out on some math homework when Dunn made a surprise visit. Since then, it was her mission to get us together. And from then on, I saw her as my own."

I stared at them for a long while before something inside me snapped. Having the feeling to destroy the nearest thing to me, I kicked over the side lamp and stomped on it till it was broken. Breathing heavily, I stomped through the crowd that was around me and went upstairs to my room. Slamming the door shut, I pulled at my hair and screamed out to the heavens. Why didn't he tell me? What was the real reason why? Did Dunn fear that I will tell him to get rid of her so we can do the crazy shit we did? Did he think I wanted him to abandon her? As these thoughts went through me, I realize that I knew the answers to these questions. That I would have made him try to get rid of her. When that realization hit me, I leaned against the door and slid down till my ass hit the floor. Placing my head in my hands, I stayed quiet. And tried to keep my mind blank.

Their was silence for about ten minutes before I heard high heels walking and stopped at my door.

"Hey Brian," I heard Nyx's unmistakable voice say through my door.

"Thanks for calling me.....Yeah, I'm trying to keep holding on....No. I promise you guys that I would stop that.....(Sigh) Yeah. I sometimes have the urges to do it all over again.... It's just, First it was Jimmy and Now my dad? I can't really handle that, Haner. It's too hard. Jimmy was there to take care of me when my mom was at her worst. He taught me how to play and then he was gone the day after I stayed at his place? Seeing his body there, clod to the touch, I can never forget that, Brian. I can't..... No, it's okay.... Where am I? I'm in West Chester.... Yeah. They all know. Bam took it hard though.... Yeah. But I can't blame him. Dad kept me secret for twenty years.... Oh, Brian. I have to go. I'll go to your place when I get back. Tell the guys I said hey and that I won't do it again... Alright, Bye."

Their was a sudden intake of a shuddered breath before I heard something hit the floor hard and low, but painful, sobs. Taking a deep breath, I got up and opened the door. Their, on the floor, Nyx was on her knees, her arms wrapped around each other, sobs shaking her form. Doing something I never thought I'd do, I wrapped my arms around her.
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