Status: Active

Never Forget


When I ended the call with Brian I broke down. Falling to my knees, I wrapped my arms around me and began to sob. I still remember like if it was yesterday when I found Jimmy's body on his bed. At first, I thought he was sleeping until I placed a hand on his chest. It was so cold. I tried to shake him to wake up, but I knew he was gone. Calling the guys to break the news that their brother had passed was the hardest thing I could do. But, now with my dad gone, it was like the frosting on top of the cake. As the sobs shook my body, I didn't notice that a bedroom door opened until I felt arms go around me. Not caring who they belonged to of who it was, I wrapped my arms around the persons neck and sobbed into their shoulder. I felt hands go up and down my back in a soothing gesture. But that reminded me more of my dad, which made more tears come out. The person said something before I was suddenly being lifted and carried into a room. I was placed on the bed before I felt another body climb in and pulled me close. Since not being able to see, I placed my head on the person's chest and continued to sob. I felt the hand run through my hair and that slowly calmed me into the bliss of darkness. I smiled, welcoming it.


When I opened my eyes, I looked out to the window to see that the once sunny day had now turned into complete darkness. Shifting a little, I lifted my head and looked down at the body that I was on top of. Shock went through me when I realized that the body belonged to Bam. He had his eyes closed and I can hear his low snore. Getting up as carefully as I could, I removed the arm that was around my waist and got off the bed as carefully as I could without disturbing the sleeping body. Looking around, I saw a mirror on top on a dresser and smiled. Going over to it seemed impossible due to all the clothing, shoes and skateboards laying around. When I finally reached my destination, I did a little happy dance before checking my make up. I sighing in relief when I saw that their wasn't a lot of damage. Thank God for waterproof eyeliner and mascara. As I wiped under my eyes, a low groan hit my eyes. Shifting my eyes to the corner of the mirror, I saw Bam sit up and ran a hand through his hair. Blinking a couple of time, he looked at my direction and we stared at each other for a few minutes. After ten, minutes, I turned to look directly at him. After a while, he was the one to break it.

"Did we..." he began to say before leaving it in the air.

I shook my head.

"No. We both have our clothes on."

"Oh. Okay. Then why... Oh, I remember now," Bam said as he got off the bed.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I reached into my bra and pulled out my phone. Looking at the screen, I saw that the twins had called me more then fifty times. Cursing under my breath, I hit re-dial and placed my iPhone to my ear and waited.

"Nyx! Where are you! We were calling you, but you wouldn't answer," Aden said.

"I'm still at Bam's place. Had a moment. Where are you guys?" I asked.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bam looking at me with a blank expression.

"We're back at Phil and Ape's place," Aden said,

"Alright. I'll be there soon," I said.

"Alright. See you when you get here," Aden said.

"'Kay," I answered back before hanging up.

Taking a deep breath, I looked back at Bam and asked him if he can take me to his parents' place.

"Why?" he asked, a bit rudely.

"Cause I'm staying there for another day. Look, if you don't want to take me, you could have just said no instead of being a huge dick about it," I said as I walked towards the door before walking out.

I heard a muffled sound as I walked down the stairs and to the front door. I was just walking down the long ass drive way before headlights blinded my way and a car stopped beside me.

"Get in. I'll take you," Bam said in a softer tone.

I stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and getting into the passenger side. When the car door closed behind me, he sped down the drive way and through the open gates before taking a left. It was quiet inside the car. The only sound there was was the sound of the engine and the music that was low enough to be back ground music. I had just closed my eyes when Bam brought me back.

"So, uh, what do you work as?"

I looked over at him in time to see him look back out to the road.

"I own and work at my own tattoo place," I said.

"Really? Your an artist?" he asked, shocked.

"Yeah. There's not a lot of female tattoo artist, but I want to try to change that."

"That's cool," he said with a nod of his head.

We went back into silence and before long, we arrived at his parents' place.

"Thanks for the ride," I said as I got out.

I was just walking up the walk way when I heard the car turn off behind me and the crunch of shoes behind me. Taking a deep breath, I opened the front door and thought that it was going to be a long night tonight.
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So, what do you think?