Status: Complete

Summer's Never Looked The Same

You Tried To Reach Me, But You Just Can't Help Me

-----Bam's POV-----

Death metal starts blasting from my phone. Tiredly, I snatch the cell from my table and pick up the incoming call.

"Hello?" I ask, irritated and withdrawing from last nights drugs.

"Bam? Have you seen Ava?" I hear Knoxville's worried voice from the other line ask. When was the last time I saw her? Oh yeah, the forest. When was that? Yesterday? Two days ago? Fuck, I can't remember. "Bam? Bam, are you still there?"

Knoxville snaps me out of my thoughts. "I, um... Awhile ago. I can't remember exactly. I think yesterday."

"We can't find her at all. She ran away." That wakes me up from my lingering sleepiness.

"Are you sure?" I ask, hoping I heard him wrong.

"A lot of her clothes are gone. So is my money from my car." He answers. "And she won't answer her phone."

"Shit... Um..." Guilt washes over me quickly as I think of how she looked at me when I yelled at her. How I ignored her mutilated arms to tell her to fuck off. The withdrawals grow and it makes me feel even worse for what happened. "I'll help you. Let me get dressed and I'll meet you at your house." Not waiting for an answer, I hang up my phone and get ready.

I climb into my Lambo and speed over to Knoxville's house. He's already walking out with Steve-O when I turn the car off. I walk up to him, nervous of any further detail of Ava's disappearance.

"Hey, thanks for coming. Chris, Ehren, and Dave are already out looking for her. You, Steve-O, and I are going to go around town and ask if anybody has seen her. I already called her friends and they haven't seen her." Knoxville informs me, putting on his jacket that he has been holding in his hands.

"Get in. Let's go." I head back to my car and start it once my butt is in the driver's seat. Steve-O gets into the back and Knoxville gets into the passenger seat. The ride around town and asking people if they have seen Ava was painful. None of them saw her. Just as I was starting to lose hope on finding any information about her, we met one of her friends who wanted to help, though she didn't see her. This girl was someone we had never met, which was weird because we knew all of her friends.

"Ava? She's missing?" She gasps once Knoxville shows her the most recent picture of Ava. "Shit... No, I haven't seen her for a few days. But I want to help you. Is there anything I can do?"

"We have three other friends looking for her. We're just going around town asking people if they saw her." Steve-O answers from behind Knoxville and I.

"I can help with asking and searching for you guys." She offers, starting to shiver from the cold breezes blowing against us.

"That'd be great. Thanks." Knoxville says, putting the picture back in his jacket.

"Cool. My name is Brooke." She introduces herself, shaking our hands.

"Bam, Steve-O, and Johnny." He motions to all of us as he says our names. He and Brooke switch numbers, then we part to continue our search.

By the end of the day, we have no luck. Knoxville is visibly down about it. I swear that any minute, he is going to cry. I'll be honest, it shakes my heart. He invites us to stay over night tonight so we can go searching again early tomorrow morning. We all sit in the living room, thinking of what's happening to Ava right now. My heart starts pounding and my leg starts twitching. I rub my fingers together, as if about to snap them. I know what I need. But I don't have anything on me...

"Um... I'll be right back." I announce before jumping up and going outside, getting in my Lambo and driving toward home.

-----Johnny's POV-----

Steve-O and I exchange confused looks as Bam leaves in what it seems like a hurry. I shake my head when I hear his car outside start, then pull out of the driveway.

"Knoxville, I'm sure she's okay. Pretty soon, we'll be coming home with her in the backseat." O tries to comfort me. When I told him Ava was gone earlier today, he looked incredibly upset. He told me he was going to help me find her, whether or not I wanted him too. Of course I wouldn't object to that. I need all the help I can get.

We had called the rest of the guys and told them what was happening. Dave gathered Chris and Ehren and went through and out of town, searching for my daughter. L.A. is dangerous. Ava may be tough, but not tough enough to fight off a group of drug dealers and 'gangsters.' The more I think about people attacking her, the more worried and scared I get.

By midnight, Steve-O is already falling asleep and I can't stop yawning. I stand up and move to my room, but don't sleep. I watch the sky outside my window, hoping the front door will open and Ava will walk in, safe and unharmed. But after hoping for that for three hours straight, I finally give up on that thought and close my eyes to try and get some rest with no success.

8:30am. The front door opens and I throw myself down the stairs to see if it's Ava. Instead, I see the guys. They spot my disappointed expression and look back at me sympathetically. Then I notice something of the group of my friends. Bam isn't here.

"Where's Bam?" I ask, and all I get is a shrug from all of them. I head to the guest room upstairs to see if he's here, seeing as I offered it to him last night. Sure enough, he is. He is lying on his stomach on the bed, still in his clothes from yesterday. I don't think anything of it, other than why he left so quickly last night without a reason why. Shaking my head, I walk to my room and start getting dressed.

Everybody's ready to go find Ava. I wake up Bam after getting dressed. When he looks up at me, I notice something in his eyes that's unusual, but something I've seen so many times before. His pupils are incredibly dilated to the point where I can barely see his natural eye color and I have to kind of lean forward to even pinpoint them. He starts to form a pissed off expression and I back off, muttering a quick, "We're leaving." before leaving the room and shutting the door behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm feeling like I'm losing the emotion of this story and I'm afraid I'm making this story boring. Is there anything in this story so far that you dislike? Like, my writing? My motivation is kind of wearing down. I think that's why it's taking me so long to post chapters. I had some major doubt on posting this chapter with the way it's written.

This story is pretty much coming to an end soon. I don't know how many more chapters there will be until I finally finish it. My guess is around five more. I kind of wish I could make this longer. I've always hated making my stories short, but my writer's block is becoming unbearable to the point where I need to wrap this up before I turn it into something incredibly dumb sounding. Like, a Mary Sue type thing. *shiver*

I'll need more motivation in the comments to even get the next couple chapters up. It sounds needy, but I really need it. One thing I'm really fucking happy about is the status of this story. 112 views, 19 subs, and 17 comments. The more those numbers go up, the more happier I get. I'm just saying.

Anyway, thanks for hanging around and continuing to read this story. <3 :)