You're Dead to Me


I hate you so much. -That's all that is running through my head.
I have never hated someone before. Sure, I strongly dis-like people, but never have I hated someone. Of course you changed that. For that I will never forgive you. Look what you have made me into- a creature who loathes its own species. I hope your happy.


"Natalia, calm down, it's okay. It'll all be okay.." she said, rubbing her hand up and down my back in the empty girls school bathrooms.
Her purple hair had gone to a faded colour, and her black eyeliner was smudged as was mine. From crying of course.

"Please! It's not going to be okay, it'll never be okay. Why can't she just leave me alone, Dee? " I sobbed. I hated that I was here, and I hated that I was the one crying. I was meant to be the strong one. I'm not supposed to be weak.

"Don't say that.. she's a horrible, horrible person and you don't need her. She doesn't appreciate you at all!" Dee told me, trying to convince me everything was alright. But I knew better.

"Dee, I can't. I just- I can't." I told her, then got up off of the sinks. I wiped my eyes and tried to fix my eyeliner with a tissue. Fuck her. Fuck them all.

"Where are you going?" She asked, curiosity written all over her face. We tried to stay away from the halls and lockers as much as possible. Nobody really used to upstairs toilets, so we decided that would be our base. So no one would bother us.

"I'm going out there, and show them that I don't give a fuck anymore. What did I ever do to them? Nothing. They screwed me over so badly. So if they have a problem when seeing my face, it's guilt, Dee, it's guilt. Because they know what they did." I replied to her, with a faint smile. After all this, I could smile.
I pulled her into a hug, and that sweet smell of old perfume on her jumper made me close my eyes and reminisce to when she first started using it.

It was a cold, dark, wet November day, and the sky was the colour of ebony. The streetlights hit off the pavement in an eerie way, almost making us want to turn back home.
"Come on, it's gonna' close in about twenty minutes, hurry up Dee!" I shouted, a few steps ahead of her.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she replied, catching up with me. "Where are we going anyway?" She asked, wondering.
"We're going to Mona's" I said, stating it like it was the obvious.
"For what?" She questioned.
"I'm buying your grandma's perfume back" I told her, then smiled, keeping my eyes ahead of me, knowing that Dee was shocked.
"Natalia.. how did you-" she began, but I cut in.
"Don't worry about it, now come on!"

I walked out of the bathroom, with Dee close on my tail. We went everywhere with each other.
As soon as we saw other humans, people stared. People pushed. People whispered. People bullshit.
"Excuse me?" I asked, a stern voice.
"Natalia! What are you doing?" Dee whispered, anxiously waiting for an answer as to why I was doing such a thing.
I ignored her, and continued.
She turned around, and the face I once looked up to, one I though was pretty, now appeared ugly. Disgusting. Vile.
"Aoife? You know what? Your dead to me." And I turned around, and walked away.