Status: working progression :3

Mini Stories : Green Day, A7x, My Chem

Rainbow Man

Jimmy was walking around with Matt when all of a sudden , they decided that it was time to play 'Superhero's' with Billie Joe, Gerard, Frank, Mike, Tre, and Mikey. They ran to get their third person, and they quickly decided on Brian, being as they thought Zacky and Johnny were too busy for them.

"I'm guna be rainbow man!" Billie Joe shouted.

"Why?" MAtt asked him curiously.

"Because, I'm FABULOUS , have you seen my butt?!" He turned around and stuck his butt out again.

"No, You're a flaming homosexual" Mike sighed and hit Tre upside the head.

"No! I'm Rainbow Man!" He cheered.

Mikey and Gerard grinned.

"You , wish, you were fabulous"

"I am fabulous, I am so fabulous, that even I make myself horny" Tre gave him a look.

"You seriously are a flaming homo"

"Do I make you men horny?!"

And they had officially thought that Billie Joe was forever a Fabulous Flaming Homosexual Rainbow Man. Then Jimmy, Brian , Mike, and Frank tackled him to the ground and tied him to a tree , FOREVER, and let little fan girls rape him.

.....THE END.
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FFFFFF DO NOT WORRY MY WONDERFULS, no Billie Joe's were harmed in the making of this story. Please, Do not attempt to recreate or reenact any of the characters in this story. People may think that you are crazy. Not me though.