Pony Girl's Rubber Farm

My Place:

I had been give a suit. Tight, but comfortable. Maybe the rest of the suit does come out as odd? Yet, I feel I need this job. Can't come home as a failure, now can I? Maybe feeling strange, making the pony sounds myself?

Just couldn't let that get in the way. I had told myself, that these are the shoes of the trade. Just like this suit is very comfortable to wear, I almost forgot I'm wearing it, already. Since I'm not stumbling, I'm not letting it get to me. Guess you could say, I'm actually enjoying myself. So much more then I had dared to hope.

It's work, after all, you're not really supposed to enjoy work, are you? Maybe that's why I do. Ofcourse, I'm not alone, the box to my side is also occupied. There is another girl, just like me. Naturally, she wear both shoes and gloves, just like me. Both over the suit, I'd imagine.

Just that she's still eating. As am I. Guess I have both the day, and the night here? Should give me more then enough time to ask her? Getting a feel for the pony in me? Helping me work ponies? Not all that hard, or bad. I'd imagine, there will be more ponies, soon enough.