Pony Girl's Rubber Farm

Never Saw Myself As One of Them:

Every day, vehicles come to the village. Anything from a small manned car, to the large bus or truck. Most people go with the same in the next morning. Some only weekly, or monthly. Payments are arranged up front, before departure.

This time, there came a large bus, manned by a girl. She wanted her bus filled, as fast as possible, promising exceptional payment. Maybe her questions and requirements were odd, or unusual. This never stopped anyone in our community. Not when the pay was good, in any event. That's just that, she was promising more then most. With that, I had been very happy to be among the once that actually made it into the bus. She had asked for young girls. Unlike most, who desired large boys. Or the occasional old male?

Besides, we were required to stay away from home for prolonged periods of time, as well. Even at the worst of times, her pay was still much better, then everything I've heard of. A farm had been mentioned, and ponies, forest and the like. Not only that, she had promised to hand us everything we would possibly need, while on duty, away from home. Including, but not limited to food, garments and home or shelter. I could feel the scent of eagerness among the girls that had been stacked into the bus.

I'm paired up with a girl to fill up a seat. Just like the other girls. Her promises had made us fill up her bus, and fast. Once the last seat had been filled up, she promptly started the engine, closed the door, and drove off along the road she came on. Guess that's the last I ever saw of my home, and the village. Knowing full well, they were to be doing much better, thanks to me. She had driven fast and aggressively, just not without care. The road long, the hours long and hot. Never a single stop, but she made it all the way. There were the few incidents, where I was inclined to prey. Yet, I soon learned, there was no cause for fear, or concern. Not only did she know both the bus, and the road, but the limits of all above.

“Almost there!” she had informed us, before instructing us, in what she did expect. I had realised, there was a garment for me to wear, while at work. The garment was, exactly where she had indicated. Suits lined up, matching our seats. Mine is black, I soon noticed. That's not all that strange. What is, is the tight and very thick suit. Feeling like the tire of the vehicles parking in our village, taking working forces to where they were desired. In my case, here.

What my job and purpose were to be, soon came clear. Which's the strangest of it all. Even if the suit is both thick and tight, the elasticity allow3ed for me to take place within. After that, Little remained. Boots and gloves. “Once you're dressed, get to the barn!” she instructed up. I followed the path, and the heard. Yes, heard, which does sound as if I'm already an equine? I found a box, in which I was to enter. Once there, I hit the next surprise. A hood to wear, matching my suit.

My chock, the mane of the suit match my hair colour. Only now, I have white socks, even and brilliantly white. Silver grey hooves, for both hands and feet. Once the hood is on my head, I'm also on all fours. Never even realising it. The entire bus load, just like me, in their own respective box. A change, so rapid, and unexpected, I hadn't even had the time to protest, or realise it had happened. Maybe I should have reacted on the hooves, for gloves? Since the hooves make me incapable of removing the garments?