Streetwise Hercules


Cameron woke up hours later in a hospital room. He looked around, confused. “Where am I?” He groaned.

His mother grabbed his hand and moved his hair out of his face. “You had a nosebleed.”

“But… I always get nosebleeds. Why am I in the hospital?”

“Because this one was pretty extreme, honey.”

Cameron sighed. Great. He thought, playing with the hospital sheets. Now everyone at school will hear about this. I got into the hospital due to a nosebleed. I should tell them something like, “yeah, I got a pretty big erection that knocked me out” or something. Then I would be considered badass, right? Right. Just say something about how large your penis is and all is forgiven. OR EVEN BETTER, My wonderfully large dick hit me in the face, causing my nosebleed. He sat back and smiled. Damn, I’m good.

He sat there with his mother, waiting for the doctor to come in. When he did, he started telling them about how the burns would recover quickly.

“What burns?” He inquired.

“Well, when you passed out, you were making yourself a quesadilla on the stove, and you fell backwards onto it, burning your back. It’ll be okay as long as we rub aloe on it every night along with your ointment.” His mother smiled.

Cameron bit his lip, ashamed of having this conversation in public.

They sat in the hospital for an hour longer before he was free to go home. Once he had gotten in the shower to wash off all the hospital goop, he remembered going to the tanning salon and the athletes discussing hitmen to kill the lovely Adara.

“Maybe that was a dream,” He muttered. “And this water is too cold.” He reached for the handle to adjust the temperature, but the water immediately warmed up. He raised an eyebrow. “How peculiar.”

He grabbed his bar of lavender soap and lathered it everywhere. “I want to smell like justice when I fight off those hitmen.” He smiled, rubbing the soap on his armpits.

“Sweetie, stop talking to yourself in the shower. It‘s unhealthy.” His mothered called.

“Why don’t you stop listening to me in the shower?” Cameron retaliated, rinsing himself off. His mother didn’t say anything back. Cameron grinned and turned the water off. Once he opened the door, he was hit in the face with his Star Wars towel.

“What?” He looked at it. “You were just over there!”

“Cameron. What did I just say?”

“Mom, it’s my towel!”

“Alright, honey. Did you wash behind your ears?”

“Did you do the dishes?”

“Good idea.” She left him alone after that. Cameron examined his towel before wrapping himself in it and combing his hair. “Deodorant…” He whispered, opening the drawer. Some “Old Spice” jumped out into his free arm.

He put in on, smiling at himself seductively in the mirror. He could, if he tried, be a complete stud. It would just take a bit of practice.