Status: Completed

What the Hart Wants

Time to spill

Jeff was rather adorable. He had a cheeky smile that made you want to chuck a book at him, or perhaps even swoon. He had dark brown hair that seemed to be utterly a mess, but looked good on him. Gave him the appearance of not caring, and for most guys I know, that’s what they want you to believe.
He was tall, practically, a whole foot more than me. And was not skinny, but not fat, more in the middle that made it seem like he was very keen on exercising.
And boy he knew how to make me laugh. We’ve must have been in the office for a solid twenty minutes before Mrs. Buckley came in.
“I’m sorry for such the long wait, I was--” she stopped and let in the principal and the vise principle as well as two officers. “Jeff, I must ask you to leave, please.”
“But I was--” he stopped when the officers gave him a questioning glance, “yeah alright. Talk to you late Rory.”
“Bye,” I whispered, realizing that it was actually happening. I wasn’t just some normal high school girl, but in a strange cult. Duh, can’t just be normal, now can we?
“Lorelei, this is officer Simmons and McMullen,” Vice Principal Gorbs said. “Principal Andrake and I will be sitting in on this.” He gave a nod to Mrs. Buckley.
“Now Lorelei, could you please explain everything again. I want you to know right now though, that no one will judge you or hurt you here, okay?” her voice was tender and motherly, like Gramms used to be.
I gave a tender nod, “Where do I start?” I asked after several minutes of utter confusion and deafening silence.
“How about the today. And then any other really bad days? I think the officers would really appreciate hearing about the,” Mrs. Buckley paused and thought for the right word that seemed to have escape her. “Cult, tell them about the cult.”
I nodded and told my story all over again.
“So this is a cult?” Officer McMullen asked, preparing to write down whatever I said.
“Yes, it is almost impossible to leave and they practically control all members.”
“And they force their youngest female members to marry the older males?”
“Yes.” I gave a sigh and tried to block out the headache forming, “Girls mature faster therefore they should be married off to more mature males of the church. Usually ranging from the girls being sixteen and them men ranging from twenty to thirty-five.”
I thought of Pastor Tom and a chill ran up my spine and tears started to form. “The girls have no say on who they are about to wed because they ‘don’t know any better’.” I tried to remain calm but it was becoming more and more difficult.
“Are you sure of this, how do you know?” the officer asked.
Blood began to rush into my ears, how do I know? “Weren’t you listening earlier. Do you think I enjoy my face being hit? Do you think the fat lip is just a phase? Do you think I like wearing this slutty clothing?” My voice was starting to rise and I understood what was happening but found myself unable to stop.
“This morning I woke up had to change into the bathroom because I had no door! Not because I’ve done stupid shit, but because the church deemed it unnecessary and unsafe! You never know what the child may be doing in there.
Then I had my aunt deem my raggedy clothes inappropriate and then had my uncle tear them off me. How do you think I wound up with these bruises?” I pulled my hair back showing them the marks I knew was there. “He grabbed my throat so tight I started to see spots! And why?” I yelled, standing up and beginning to pace. “Because the pants weren’t tearing off! He slammed me into the wall and lifted me up, eventually getting them off! He stripped me to where I was in nothing but underwear then threw the new outfit at me.” Shameful tears busted out of me but I wasn’t done yet.
“Then the bastard I’m to marry picks me up and ignores my tear streaked face and puts his hand on my knee!” I shuddered involuntary but I couldn’t stop now, I was blinded by all the tears but it didn’t matter I stood still staring at what I hope was the floor. “I say one, ONE,” I screamed that word, “one stupid thing and wham! Right into my lip!”
I gave a sigh and sat down, tears tumbling down but I was still in some control. “I know that isn’t that much compared to, I don’t know television. But I don’t think I can handle another day,” I whispered the last part, finding myself in a chaotic spiral down. I would die if I went through another day like this again.
“Calm down, Lorelei,” Mrs. Buckley cooed, “You are okay here, there’s another hour before schools out and hopefully by then we will figure this all out.”
“Please don’t make me go back there, don’t let me get into the car with him again,” I begged. I was really this pathetic, begging to strangers with tears pouring down my face.
“No we won’t Miss Hart,” Officer Simmons spoke up for the first time. “I know you are afraid, but you need to know that you are doing amazing!” he assured me. “Now Officer McMullen and I are going to call in the FBI seeing as how this is more of their jurisdiction. But you will not be going back to your aunt’s and uncle’s home. Nor will you being going anywhere with the man who considers himself your fiancé.” The kind but linebacker built officer assured me as he motioned for his tall and lankly partner up and out of the room.
“You are to remain in this room for the rest of the day,” Principal Andrake ordered, “Mrs. Buckley will be here to supervise.” He then stood and walked out of the room as well. Leaving the Vice Principal and Mrs. Buckley left.
“I have some granola bars if you are hungry?” Mrs. Buckley offered, quickly digging into her desk drawers. Mr. Gorbs silently excusing himself in the process.
“Well you did amazing, Lorelei,” Mrs. Buckley assured, grabbing hold of my free hand quickly. “I’m so proud of you!” I gave her a meek smile before continuing the delicious bar. “Okay well seeing as how this is going to be weird, you should know that my sons and my brother-in-law will be joining us for a bit; I hope you don’t mind.”
“Does Mr. Buckley have to know?” I asked suddenly more self-conscious at my favorite teacher finding out than anything else.
“No, no one will have to know just yet, however James will probably find out by the end of the evening.” she gave a pause and gave me a warm smile. “He is very persistent that way.”
I gave my own smile, Mr. Buckley was defiantly very persistent, as I recalled all the homework assignments he bugged me about. I think he bugged me for a full month before I gave in.
“Oh, and don’t worry about my boys,” she said with a smile. “You already met Jeff, and Dean is a really good kid. Neither will bug you for information, but,” she paused and gave a thoughtful look, “but they will most likely bug you.”
She quickly excused herself, leaving me to ponder her statement. Why would they bug me?
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Though I wrote two chapter's yesterday I thought I'd be awesome and post today.