Vampire Hunter

Zally live's a normal life like any teenage girl.Well,not exactly.Zally tries to live a normal life,even though she know she can't.Not with being in St.Carmel Academy.An academy meant to train students for hunting down vampire's and protecting humans.She been doing it since she was 10,now that she's 17 and a senior in school,she would'nt want anything else to try and live life like any ordinary human.You know,go to school (normanly),get date's,
hang out with friends..etc.But she can't.When your a Gager(who are'nt fully human) and you try to be normal,the headmaster of the school,just might be cruel enough to slid your thoart.
So yeah,being a Gager in training could be risky.But hey,its their job...

But something awful would happen that it would everyone at risk.During midnight,a group of vampire's would attack the school,killing half the students...and abducting Zally's mother....

Now,Zally and her group of her friends must go on a hunt for a group of vampire's and getting Zally's mother back.But while along this journey,Zally will discover creature's her dare school did'nt even WARN her about...
  1. Chapter 1:Lady Em
    Part One: Slain