Status: Complete


I Can't Betray B

Scud sat up and looked at Lucy. So many different possibilities of what she could be about to say flashed through his head all at once. Lucy sat up as well. "What is it?" he asked.

"Before I tell you, I have to know that no matter what, you won't tell a single soul."

"You know I won't. Do you have a disease or something? Are you dying?"

A small chuckle escaped from her lips and a small grin curled the corners of her mouth. She shook her head slightly. "I don't consider it a disease, but there are people that do, and would be willing to kill me if they found out, that's why I need to know that you won't say a word."

"I won't. What is it?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again she looked directly into his, as if she was holding him in place with her stare. "You know that wreck I told you I was in?" She paused and waited for him to nod, "Well, kind of....died."

"What are you talking about?" In the back of his mind, he knew what she was telling him. Lucy was a vampire. He just didn't want to believe it. He couldn't believe it. Not his Lucy. Sweet Lucy that wouldn't harm a fly. Sweet Lucy who had become a nurse to help people.

She looked away from him, unable to bare looking into his eyes any longer. Not while she told him this. Not while she explained what had happened to her. "It was late at night....I was driving home, and I don't know what happened. I think a deer might have ran in front of me, I can't remember. The car swerved, I lost control or something, and it flipped...a few times. It ended up upside down, and up against a tree. The front of it was smashed in completely, I couldn't move, and I was bleeding. I couldn't reach the phone to call for help, and there was no one else around. I don't know how long I sat there before it happened, but a car eventually pulled up. I remember the headlights because I was blinded by them. A man got out and walked up to me. He kneeled down and I couldn't see his face, but I could see his figure against the lights. He told me no matter what happened, I was going to die, but that he could help me come back. I guess I was delirious from the loss of blood, and I wasn't thinking clearly, but I chose to come back."

She stopped and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes before continuing. When she did, Scud noticed the elongated canine teeth, "I became a vampire. That's why I couldn't meet you for coffee."

Even after hearing the story, and seeing the fangs, he still didn't want to believe her. "Lucy," was all he could manage to say, and he didn't even realize he had said it. It had come out in a hoarse, desperate whisper.

She moved across the bed, closer to him. She propped herself up on her knees so that she was sitting higher than him, and took his head in her hands, cupping his face gently. "Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like I'm a monster." She was barely shaking her head. If it wasn't for the movement being continuous, he wouldn't of even noticed. "I'm not. I don't even feed on people. I drink from blood bags."

He pulled away from her and stood up, he was unsure of what to do, what to think, and what to say. "I build weapons that kill vampires. Now what am I supposed to do?"

She blinked numerous times, she desperately wanted to cry, "Scud, it hasn't changed who I am. I need you. Please."

"How do you need me?"

She rose from the bed, and took his hands in hers, "I want you to be my familiar. I can't trust anyone the way I can trust you. Besides, I love you. I always have."

"I can't betray B."

Her eyes narrowed, "B?"

He felt like kicking himself for that, "Blade. He saved my life once, I-"

Lucy cut him off, "Blade! As in the Daywalker?" She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. "It's only a matter of time before Blade is dead, and the vampires are the top species. And when that day comes, you're either going to be a pet or your going to be cattle. I'm trying to save you from being fed on, and other vampires aren't going to care about you the way that I will....the way that I do." She paused and he ran his hand over his chin. When Lucy seen that he wasn't going to say anything yet, Lucy continued, "Besides, there's a bigger problem than vampires, and we could actually use his help....and you being on our side, on my side, would be very beneficial."

There was a long moment of silence while Scud thought about what she had said, "You know I care about you, vampire or not. I do love you too. You're my first love."

The corners of her lips twitched, she wanted to smile, but until she knew where he was going with this, she wasn't going to.

"I'll do it...for you. Plus, I'd rather be a pet than cattle as well."

She allowed herself to smile, showing all of her teeth again.

"You have to put the mark somewhere where Blade won't see it though. He'll kill me immediately if he knows I've 'switched sides.'"

She ran her finger across his bottom lip, "I know just the place."