I Wish I Could Be the One

Come around to my way of thinking...


I whined to Val the whole time she was trying to get me dressed. “This is just ridiculous Val! I’m going to look like such a freak. I’m just not comfortable like this; go get my jeans and sweatshirt…I am not friggin’ doing this. Ok, I have changed my mind, I don’t know why I would have agreed to this…I cannot do this.”

“Bree would you just friggin’ calm down? It will be fine. You are gorgeous, you look gorgeous and everyone is going to agree. You have the body and it’s time you show it off. You’ll be just fine and you’ll get use to the attention before you know it, trust me…you’ll like the attention…and I do know that you’re shy about this stuff, but this will work…and I promise you that I would not be making you do this if Matt weren’t being such a dink about it. I mean, obviously he doesn’t trust me.”

“No, Val, it’s not you he doesn’t trust…it’s the 2000 men that are going to be hanging off of you and drooling…you know the guys that will be snapping pics of you just so they can go home and jack off to your image?” I reasoned with her…trying to keep the peace between her and Shads, because while living out of a small van with many people, you do not want couples fighting. Which is what broke out when Shads told Val that he would not allow her to sell their merch dressed up like a streetwalker. Of course that made it ok for me to go out selling merch dressed up like a streetwalker…go figure.

“Ewww, ok Bree, you made your point…but don’t let that stop YOU from doing YOUR duty.” Val said with the sweetest of smiles.

“My duty?” I choked. “I work my ass off doing everything I can for the guys. Just trying to earn my measly section of our crammed van, squished every night and sucking up everyone else’s air…”

“Now, Bree, I - and pretty much everyone else, is well aware of the fact that you do not have a problem sucking up one particular person’s air in that van…which by the way…you are just going to floor him when you walk out there like this, you might finally get him to rape you…although you can’t really rape the willing can you?”

Ah…she knew me a little too well, I think. It took everything in my power to not break out smiling as Val said this. I wasn’t doing a very good job concealing myself and what came out was some weird, painful looking, smirk.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought, Bree…see, other than the fact that this will sell a ton of merch for the guys (and us!) – I know somewhere in that little crevice you call a heart, that this might just work in your favor in more ways than one…this might finally do the trick in getting him to not see you as a little sister.”

All very convincing…which it was suppose to be. Then of course, my logic set in…

“But Val, he’s known I’ve worshipped him since I was like…7…if he has felt the same at any point in time, don’t you think he should have accepted me for who I am and what I’m comfortable with, by now? Why in God’s name would I have to dress like this to get this man’s attention? We’re all best friends for Chrissake; we know everything about each other! Why wouldn’t ‘Brian and I’ have happened by now?” I whined…

“Because, you silly girl…this MAN you’re talking about…is a BOY – simply put. And they’re all the same! Come on…screw your head back on girl!” She said laughing, “Matt and Jason Berry are your BROTHERS!! How do you not know how it works by now? Hello? Matt and I…don’t you remember? Don’t you get it? Why do you think he’s refusing to let me dress like this and go out into the throngs that are potential A7X fans?” She asked incredulously. I shook my head, but already knew the answer…“Because it took me to start wearing make-up and skinny jeans before he thought of me as anything but his Army-man buddy!”

Well…you have to hand it to Val; she did give a good argument. I wonder if she rehearsed it knowing what it was going to take to get me in this ‘get up’. You couldn’t call it an outfit really…I would think you’d need at least a little more material and a lot more covered skin to be able to call it an outfit. Whether she had planned it or not, she had managed to put enough courage into me to get me to allow her to continue taking my long, dark auburn hair out of the ponytail that it is always in. It kind of felt good actually, and it was a little comforting knowing that it was covering a good portion of my, almost bare, back. I stopped her short on the make up though…that was just not happening…I do not ‘do’ make up…and when you have the same genes as the Berry brothers…who needs makeup really?