I Wish I Could Be the One

Meet the Haners...

So it turns out Mr. Haner and I had a birth control issue through our first few years of wedded bliss. We couldn’t control ourselves from getting pregnant is what the issue turned out to be. My mother had no doubt put her curse on me…sevenfold…

Let me tell you a little about what we've been up to...

Jacob Matthew, aka Jake – 6 yrs old. Jake is dark and brooding, kind of like both of his namesakes (we killed two birds with one stone on his middle name.). He is the bigger and the older of the two twins. He hero-worships his father. Anything Brian does or says, you can be sure to see Jake doing it later on. He spends a lot of time with Brian in the music room, even if it’s just to sit and take everything in.

Lucas Jason, aka Luke – 6 yrs old. Luke is the outgoing, obnoxious, talker…and often some of the things he talks about don’t tend to make a whole lot of sense to many of us. We humor him though. He wants his mouth to make up for his size I suppose. I’m sure he knows he’ll need his brother’s assistance in a future that will no doubt include many a bar fight. He is also our video game aficionado. There’s got to be at least one in every household.

The twins play hockey and football; and they also surf. We needed to find sports for them to be able to expend A LOT of energy on.
They look just like my brothers and me. They are little wild men and are inseparable. Whatever happens to one happens to the other. They play hard and fight harder…runs in the family I guess.
These babies are the reason I had to squish myself into my wedding dress. Most of our friends and family think we should have probably stopped with them, as they tend to be handfuls. Instead we just made my brothers move into our house.

Ezekiel James, aka Zeke – 5 yrs old. He’s always trying to run wild with the first two…he usually ends up being their scapegoat. He is absolutely gorgeous, like his father…and he knows it…like his father. He is our most athletic boy, as he has to perform many stunts in order to get in good with his older brothers, which isn’t always hard for him because he’s bigger than they are. To be different from his brothers though, he tends to like baseball and basketball better than they do, but even at this young age…he excels in whatever physical activity he chooses.

Colin Zachary, aka Cole – 4 yrs old. He’s our quiet thinker and the best musician of the five. He prefers to play piano while his Uncles take his older brothers out surfing. He looks like both Brian and I, and don’t get him mad…because he has both of our tempers as well. Cole can speak to Brian and I without ever saying a word. His dark eyes always tell us what he’s thinking. And he makes a habit out of randomly just appearing near you. Of course that’s caused many a false heart attack. We were a little concerned that he was slowly becoming a hermit, but we got him into soccer…just so he doesn’t have to share the spotlight with his older brothers, and are now getting him started on golf lessons. The quietness and solidarity of that sport fit his personality to a tee.

Rowan Jonathan, aka Rowe – 2 yrs old…another one that looks just like his dad. He is always laughing and giggling. Of course this is ridiculously cute, but often gives one the impression that he is drunk. He is definitely our comedian of the group. Which pretty much makes him Papa G’s favorite I think. He’s always “just chillin’” (Big Daddy taught him that) at Grandpa’s house. If he could live in the water, he would. So I’m assuming he’ll be our swimmer, and then maybe be our little tennis star…just so he can have his own niche apart from his brothers.

So…yeah…we’ve been busy…