Secret Salem


"ELIZABETH!" Cassie screeched.
I groaned.
"Don't you give me that!" she yelled.
I gave her my best fake smile.
"Yes Queen Cassandra. What ever can I do for you?"
She narrowed her cat-green eyes at me.
"My nephew is coming into town. You're the only person around here who I can trust enough with him to show him around for a week or two. Until he doesn't need you."
Oh. So Cassie wanted to use me up and throw me away. Or, she wanted her nephew to. Great. Wonderful.
I sighed.
"Why me?"
"You're the only responsible one around here. Only teenager with a job in this section of Salem."
That's because everyone else is busy getting laid. Or something.
I nodded.
"Okay, fine. I'll be your nephew's little tour guide. When does he arrive, oh mighty Cassandra?"
"Now," she replied, as the door to the Quick-Mart closed.
Oh. I didn't have time to prepare at all.