In the Dark

Name: Dakota May.

Age: 35 years old.

D.O.B: 19th April 1976

Appearance: Long, dark, brown hair which is naturaly wavy. Big, dark brown, almond shaped eyes which are blood shot and watery. A heart shaped face. Her lips are full but pale and dry due to the past few weeks. A skinny and weak body with legs that can barely hold up the rest of her, most bones are showing so she wears baggy clothes to hide it.

Personality: Positive and friendly but had recently become more down and depressed. Can talk to anyone and doesn't get shy or have a problem. Doesn't judge people by their cover. One of her negative points is that she trusts people very quickly, making her an easy target for betrail.

Status: Single.

Job: Unemployed.

Childhood: Was born in New York and has lived there all her life. Till the age of 18 she lived with her parents, Luke and Dawn, before moving out and getting an apartment of her own in Down town New York. For the first few years she loved it, going to Uni and living for herself and then she got her own job at an IT buisness at the age of 25. However, suddenly one Sunday afternoon in 2005 she got a call, while watching TV, that asked her to come to the NY police station straight away. Once she got their they told her, her parents had been in a drunk diver accident and killed imediantly, she was heart broken and found it hard to get over as they were the only family she had. No siblings, no aunties or uncles, no grandparents. She found comfort in her friends and new boyfriend, Mike, who coached her through and helped her get over it and back on her feet.