Status: finished :)

And the Room Goes Quiet

chapter 10

After the film was finished, we all had a big gossip and it was getting pretty late so we all fell asleep in the living room. Then in the morning me a GeeGee trudged off to work. Later that night Dan was cooking for me at his flat and I was gonna have to tell him what I had talked about with Hollie and Hana.

I was going to ring my mum, but I was too afraid so I got Hana to do it for me. She was gonna come and visit on Sunday so I had that to look forward to as well.

GeeGee had me working on the fitting rooms in the morning and sorting out the accessories in the afternoon which made the day pretty slow but so it was time to leave. GeeGee dropped me home and I got ready to go to Dans. I put on a white lace top wit a black collar, a high waisted black pencil skirt and black heals. I also put on some black stockings that stopped mid thigh, just above where my skirt finished. I also put on my best bra, just in case.

Hollie and Hana were watching TV and I was in the kitchen when someone knocked on the door. “Can one of you get that?” I shouted as I pulled on my shoes. I ran quickly into my room to grab my bag and then to the living room. Dan was perched on the chair of the sofa talking to Hollie while Hana had disappeared. When I walked in he looked up and the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen took over his face. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“You ready to go?” he asked standing up.

“Sure am. Where did Hana go?”


“Ok, well tell her I said bye, and ill see you both tomorrow” Hollie stood up and gave me a hug before going to the kitchen. Dan took my hand and led me out the door. I shut it behind me and when I was done he pushed me up against the wall next to the door, looking into my eyes intently. I moved my hands up to his chest.

“You look so beautiful” I giggled and bit my lip before his lips came crashing down on mine, his hands pulling my hips into him. He broke away and pulled me down the hall and down the stairs before we got into his car and sped off to his house.

Dan lived a few minutes down the road, and there was no reason for him to drive so we were at his moments after we had left mine.

“Lazy bum” I shouted at him over the top of the car as we got out.

“I resent that” he laughed as he took hold of my hand again and planted a kiss on my forehead. We climbed the stairs to his flat and once he opened the door I let out a small gasp.

He had dimmed the lights and set the table. There was a vase with a single red rose in and a few candles dotted around the room. “Dan, it looks beautiful. But did you really leave the house with candles lit?”

“Yes, but I wanted it to be perfect for when you got here.” I smiled and he led me over to the table, where he pulled out my chair and sat me down. He then went into the kitchen.

“So what are we having?” I called into him. He popped his head back around the door.

“It’s a surprise” he winked and then popped back. A few minuets later he returned with two plates. “Now im not much of a cook, but I made this specially”

He set the plate down and on it was chicken nuggets and chips, both from McDonalds. He disappeared to get his how plate and when he sat back down, I just looked at him. “Really?” I asked

“I can’t cook” he replied while picking up his knife and fork to eat his nuggets with.

I laughed before doing the same. “so how was being in the studio?” I asked

“It was actually really good; ive missed so much its stupid”

“Well I was wondering if we could talk about how things should work from now on. I was talking to Hollie about how she and matt cope with everything, and she told me how to keep everything separate. I was wondering if we should try it.”

“Ok, what have we gotta do?”

“Ok well we have to keep our work and personal lives separate. The week days should be kept for work, uni for me, the band for you, and then we spend the weekends together. That way maybe the moments we have together will be abit more special, and we can focus on work as well”

He listened intently to me and when I was done, he simply nodded. “It might be hard at first, but I think we can do it. Id do anything for you.” He reached across to grab my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand back.

“So how you feeling now?” he asked rasing his eye brows at me. I know I should have told him about what Hana had said, but I didn’t want to worry him, so I told him I was feeling much better and hopefully next week, I was abit more focused at uni, I would be better soon. We carried on chatting about nothing in particular and after we were done, he took the plates into the kitchen before returning. I was still sitting at the table so he took my hand and pulled me up. He took the rose from the vase and gave it to me. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered wildly. His hand reached up to cup my face and he brushed his lips over mine. “Can I tell you something?” he whispered in my ear.

“Anything” I managed to choke out. He pulled me over to the sofa, quickly slips his vans off and sat me down. “I’m here for you, ok? When you get mad, I wanna be the one to make you laugh. If you feel like running away, if you wanna cry, my shoulder is here waiting for you. Ill be right there running with you. When you wanna leave, ill give you 100 reasons to stay. If you ever feel like you’re not needed, not wanted, not loved, just remember I love you, I want you and I need you” a single tear escaped my eye and he wiped it away with his thumb. “I know you’re having such a bad time lately, but im here ok”

“I love you so much Dan, I really do, you have no idea. Everything is such a mess” he kissed my forehead and down my nose until he got to my lips where he stayed. His hand that was resting on my knee slowly travelled up my leg until it got to the hem of my skirt and his hand went under where he then found the beginning of my stockings. He smiled into the kiss and then bit my lip, drawing it out.

I kicked my shoes off and run my hands under his shirt feeling his torso, marble hard underneath. He played with the top of my sticking for a wile before he brought his hands out to the bottom of my top, he broke the connection of out lips and pulled it off before rejoining our lips eagerly. He pushed me down onto the sofa, his hands running up and down my sides leaving Goosebumps and he went.

I started to unbutton his shirt and when it was done I slipped it off his shoulders. He stood up and yanked me with his before running off into his room, dragging me behind him. Once in he shut the door and pushed me up against it like he had done outside the flat when he had first picked me up. Somehow he mad managed to remove my skirt and I was stood in a very unflattering pair of black hold in knickers. He started to laugh a he felt them. He broke away from me to look at them.

“Are we having a Bridget Jones moment?” I joked. He grabbed the waist band of them and pulled me back into him.

“You look like lady gaga threw up on you he joked in my ear before reconnecting out lips. His hands travelled down my hips and over my bum until he got to the tops of my thighs. He lifted me up and I crossed my legs behind his back as he pushed me back against the wall to hold me there. My hands were now tangled in his hair as he left kisses along my jaw. He turned around, still holding me and placed me onto his bed.

“I love you” I breathed
♠ ♠ ♠
Daisy outfit

i think you can guess what they do next ;)