Status: finished :)

And the Room Goes Quiet

chapter 22

Dans P.O.V.

I adjusted my tie in the mirror, and dusted down my blazer, checking over my appearance one last time.

“You ready to go mate?” I heard josh ask from behind me. I nodded slightly and stood up, walking out of my bedroom into my living room. In there everyone was gathered dressed in black. As soon as I entered they all looked up at me and smiled slightly, but I couldn’t smile back. Not today.

We made out way outside and into the church. Already there were daisy’s parents, my parents and all her friends and family. And then there she was. The love of my life at the front of the church in a sealed wooden box.

I clenched my teeth and went right up to her coffin, ignoring the stairs of everyone inside. I traced my finger along the edge until I got up to the place at the top. It read her name, the year she was born, and then the current year. The year she died.

The service went by in a blur. Lots of people crying, but nothing seemed to come out of me. We all then went outside to where she was being buried. We all gathered around the hole in the earth that she had been lowered into. A few words were said and then everyone dispersed. I stayed, and I think everyone realised I needed time alone with her and left me alone.

I paced the length of the opening before sitting down at the end of it. I suddenly had a flashback to the night she died.

I was on the phone with her, and then I heard the shot. I talking to her but she didn’t reply. I could tell something was wrong so I rushed down outside to find her collapsed on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

“Daisy, no” I whispered, before lifting her head and cradling it in my lap.

That’s when Hana came out. She saw what was going on and screamed. Josh had to hold her against him with all his force so she would get away and make things worse. After a while she stopped struggling and just let him hold her, while josh cried his little heart out too.

Matt and Hollie were outside now. Matt held Hollie whilst she cried and started to ring an ambulance. He shrugged off his hoody and chucked it to me. I balled it up and pressed it against where the bullet had hit her. She gasped, clearly in pain. Her eyes went vacant for a second before slightly refocusing.

“Shit, babe im so sorry babe, im so sorry” I pushed the hair from her face, and kissed it, and then grabbed her hand, kissing that as well. Then in true daisy fashion, she did the most unpredictable thing. She started to sing.

“Kiss it all better im not ready to go,
It’s not your fault love, you didn’t know, you didn’t know”

I started to laugh which turned into crying, my tears falling onto her face. I wiped them away, before she looked up at me, a spark of recognition in her face.

“Dan” it came out in a horse whisper but she still said my name. I shushed her but she carried on singing.

“Stay with me, until I fall asleep, stay with me.
Stay with me, until I fall asleep, stay with me.”

“Im not going anywhere, you hear me. I love you”

“I love you too” she whispered. Her eyes were getting heavier and she shut them, her face relaxing and her body going limp. The ambulance pulled up and they rushed out, pulling my away from her. I went a sat a bit away from her on the grass. My head was spinning. Josh came over to me pulling me into a hug. Hollie was cradling Hana and matt was talking to one of the paramedics.

And then they all just stopped. I jumped up and went over to them, one already walking over to me. “Im sorry-“they started but I wasn’t having any of it.

“No!” I screamed “you must be able to do something” I went to run over to her, but josh and matt pulled my back, holding me there. I kept struggling but I was getting no where, so I stopped and slumped against the boys. The tears were flowing now, free and fast. I could hear Hana crying harder now and screaming, so josh went over to her to make sure she didn’t do something stupid.

I lost my best friend and the love of my life that evening.

I huffed and looked back down into the hole in the ground. “This wasn’t supposed to happen” a tear left my eye and I wiped it away quickly. “We were supposed to get married and have kids and grow old together. Die together. Why are you in there, why?” I looked up at the sky. “Why you, why me, why us” I ran my hands through my hair. “I know your listening daisy, so listen hard, and don’t forget this, cause im never gonna forget you. That’s a promise.” I pulled out my keys and looked the new key-ring I had added. It was the ring I had given her on a small chain that was then attached to my keys. “You see? You’ll always be with me.”

To some I may have looked stupid, but I knew she was listening, so it didn’t matter. I pulled a daisy from the inside pocket of my jacket and threw it onto her grave.

“I love you daisy. You were the first girl I ever loved and I will always. Im so sorry, I should have been there for you, im so sorry” more tears came and I wiped them away. “I promised I would stay and I didn’t im so sorry babe.” I huffed and looked at the daisy on her grave. “But I guess I cant change that now. Ill never forget you, I promise” I looked up at the sky and the clouds parted letting the sun shine through. I smiled knowing that it was my daisy telling me she forgave me.

I could hear the crutch of leaves, and I turned to see Chris and max walking up behind me. Max put his hand on my shoulder.

“Come on mate” he spoke quietly and I nodded following him off away from my girl’s grave.

He holds onto a memory,
All it is, is a memory.
Stay with me until I fall asleep, Stay with me.
Stay with me until I fall asleep, Stay with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
last chapter. i am so sorry. i will post an alternative on Sunday cause im out this weekend. please don't hate me to much.

i want to thank Charlie for her regular comments, they have what has kept me going.

comments would be lovely and um yea thanks for sticking with me. ily x