Pull Me In

197 words

My fingers grip the rubber inner tube as the water pulls me down stream. The sun is hot on my face and I can feel it already burning. I dare to let one hand let go of the tube and dip it in the cool water. I loose balance for a second, my body slipping off the rubber. I quickly remove my hand from the water and hold on.

I move farther along the river and reach an opening. Woods surrounds me and the water calms down. I let go of the raft and let both of my arms dangle in the crystal liquid. Overhead the sun hangs and there aren’t any clouds in sight. I stare up at the blue sea and get lost in my own thoughts. Finally content after days of not being so.

It must have been hours because soon, a large cloud passes over the sun and a breeze blows. My inner tube bounces in the water and I hold on tightly in panic. I look up at the sky and see more clouds moving in. Dark, storm clouds. I look around me; no one is here to pull me in.