Status: First ever story so it'll be slow, please be patient :)

War Torn Love


Nicholai stared at the woman in front of him, trying to think through his drunk haze, but all he could this was he was going to be sick…He was being sick…He’d been sick. He groaned unhappily as he sat down near to the woman.
She really did look just like Emeric, same bone structure in the face, her hair was a little darker but it was still very obvious they were siblings.
“So if you know my Emmy, and he’s your brother, that must make you Emmy’s sister! You must be Lisette!” Nicholai said, somewhat stating the obvious, but give him a break, he was drunk!

Lisette watched the man and wrinkled her nose as he vomited, taking the time to check she had her knife with her. In such dangerous times it was better to take it with her than to leave it behind. Although the man did look too drunk to attack her in any way…
“Yes, I’m Lisette, Emeric’s sister. Who are you?” she asked warily.
“Well, I’m Nicholai, I’m Emeric’s boyfriend but we’re meant to be keeping it a secret because I’m the heir to the Vampiric throne and the shit would really hit the fan if either of our parents found out, even though we’ve been dating for five years and I love him with all my heart and did you know your brother is really amazing in bed!” Nicholai said, rambling on in his drunken state.

Lovely, just what Lisette wanted to know, her brother was amazing in bed…Nice. Wait, so that was where her brother had been sneaking off to! She’d known for a long time that her brother was gay, and it never bothered her, but what Emeric didn’t know was that Lisette had noticed him sneaking out in the day and then coming back and showering instantly. Werewolves had an amazing sense of smell and would have been able to tell in an instant if Emeric had had sex if he hadn’t showered. So Lisette had deduced he was sleeping with someone of another species if he’d needed to sneak out, but she had never guessed this!

Even though she was sat with a vampire, she actually felt a bit safer. If this really was Emeric’s boyfriend, and he had never attacked her brother, then things should be safe for her.
“So how come you’re sat out here?” Nicholai slurred slightly, giggling a little too even though what he’d said wasn’t funny in the slightest.
Lisette looked off into space for a moment. What the hell? She might as well tell him, even if he was a spy and pretending to be drunk, he’d kill her as soon as he’d got the truth out of her anyway.
“I’m sat out here because my parents have told me that if I don’t have a mate within the next two moon cycles, then they will find me a mate to marry, which will probably be someone I hate” she said mournfully.
“Wow that really sucks, I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation, I’ll never be able to marry your brother either. But surely there’s someone you’d want to marry” he said.
Lisette smiled softly at his drunken attempts at consolation, her thoughts soon moving to her beloved, and her fingers moving to the locket around her neck.
“There was someone” she admitted, tears forming in her eyes a little as she thought about him.
“His name was Darren. My father banished him on my birthday because he tried to make a treaty between Vampires and Werewolves. He had been on his way to your court to sort the treaty out. He wanted to give me peace for my birthday, and now I don’t even know if he’s still alive” she whispered, her tears beginning to fall.

Nicholai stared at Lisette for a moment. It was tragic how many stories ended that way.
“I’m sorry, I know two people that that happened to in the Vampiric court. One was banished while the other one was killed” he said quietly, looking at his knees, swaying slightly.
“I’m sorry too, it’s not fair is it?” she sighed.
Nicholai shook his head for a moment before his head shot up, his eyes wide.
“What is it?!” Lisette asked, looking alarmed at the expression on Nicholai’s face, her fingers gripping the knife tightly at her side.
“I have just had the best idea ever! What if we got married?!” Nicholai grinned, his words slightly slurred by alcohol.
Lisette stared at him for a moment, dropping the knife by her side. He wasn’t just drunk. He was insane.
“No, no, hear me out! I’m not insane!” Nicholai assured her after reading her thoughts.
“You clearly want this war to end so you can find your Darren, I want this war to end so I can be with Emmy, and we’re both heirs to our throne! If we got married, we’d soon be King and Queen and we could end the war!” he stated.

Lisette sat there in silence for a moment. It actually made a bit of sense. From what she had been taught about Vampiric royalty, they only had one son, so the King wouldn’t kill him, and if her father killed her, there was always Emeric who she was sure would go along with this vampire’s plan.
“It’s actually not a bad idea” Lisette said finally after her musing.
“So, will you do it? Will you Lisette DeVeon marry me?” Nicholai asked, getting down on one knee and swaying slightly.
Lisette couldn’t help but laugh “Yes, I’ll marry you” she smirked.
“Awesome!” he laughed, getting up from the grass.

After a little while of talking Lisette yawned softly, looking up at the sky, it was nearly two in the morning she guessed.
“I should probably get going, and tell my baby brother of our meeting” she smiled.
“Of course, let me walk you to your border” Nicholai smiled, reaching out a hand for her.
This had been a turn of events for the Prince. He had gone out to find his lover and instead had found himself a bride.
♠ ♠ ♠
That should be a nice big shocking twist for you all...Except for Julie who knows exactly whats happening through out the whole story xD.

I hope you guys like it, it's coming up to one of my favourite chapters soon ^_^ it's gunna be so much fun to write <3

Don't foget to tell me your best bits :) <3