Status: I am going to try and update as often as possible since i am on vacation.

High School's A Game and I Suck at Sports

Chapter -02-

We arrived at her house a few minutes later. It was huge even bigger than my house and I was rich.
My door was opened and I stepped out. I was following blondy into the house, when she stopped.
"Where do you think you're going?" she asked disgusted.
"Inside," I said, trying to answer as nicely as possible.
"No! You are extremely dirty. I just picked you up of the ground in some park and you expect me to just let you into my house just like that?"
"What do you expect me to do? Wash off on the front with a hose?" I asked outraged.
'If that lady insults me one more time I’m going to rip her hair out!' I thought.
"Jonathon," she called out. ('he must regret getting a job as awful as being her man servant')
"Please take her to the bathroom in the dog to wash off," she commanded walking away.
'That's it!' I thought before lunging at her, but Jon caught me before i could even touch her.
"This way, miss. I'm sure you wouldn’t want to get in any trouble now, do you?" Jon said guiding me towards the back of the house.
He opened the door to a small house (I could live in there size) and walked down the hall pass 4 doors.
Door number one was open and it was marked 'Dog Spa' inside a lady was
giving a dog a massage and there was a small hot tub "and I thought i was spoilt," i
muttered to myself. The next door was closed and marked 'vet'. The door after that was
also closed and was marked 'Roxy's room'. Door number 4 led to a kitchen with a sink and stove and table and everything.
"How lucky is she," I said. Then finally there was the bathroom.
He opened the door and ushered me inside. "Hurry miss, Miss Irene would like to
introduce you to her family." he told me then left.
I had spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how the shower works and 20 minutes showering.
When I came out, I found that my clothes were missing and some how replaced with a bathrobe and a pair of slippers.
So, I put them on and exited the dog house.
I walked over to the front entrance of the house I’ll be living in for the next year and opened the door.
I was greeted by Irene still dressed the same way as before. "I see you got cleaned up," she said cheerfully while hugging me.
She escorted me to the family where I’m to be meeting everyone.
When I entered there were two people in there; a teenage boy and a man. I looked at the boy first. He had black emoish hair, normal skin, and really soft looking lips.
'CUTE!' I thought. He noticed me staring and looked up. He had green eyes. I took an involuntary and unnoticeable step back.
'Spoke too soon,' I took back the thought I had about him being cute.
He smirked and began to introduce himself, "My name is-" but I cut him off.
"I don’t like you," I stated simply.
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