Status: I am going to try and update as often as possible since i am on vacation.

High School's A Game and I Suck at Sports

Chapter -04-

(Kyle's p.o.v.)
She's actually hot. I mean in a mysterious kind of way. She had Dark brown hair, that at this very moment covered most of her face. Dark brown eyes that i mistaked for black and a body that was made for a super model. But she has to hate me for no apparant reason which im going to find out my way. Although it's 3 in the morning i want to know now. I mean come on all girls practically throw them selves at me but she has to be different. GAGH!

I got out of bed and went to the corner of the room where the sound proof button was and pushed it. 'This is going to be fun' i thought. I left the room for just a minute to get a small bucket filled with ice water.When i came back i ensured the door was closed so the sound proof would work.

I walked over to her bed and poured the bucket of water on her.

(Kennatra's pov)
i sceamed. i looked at kyle who so happened to have a empty bucket in his hand.
"You're a dead man kyle. deader than the grim reaper!"
i yelled before crawling out of bed.
He stood there looking at me. "Did you know that deader isnt a word?" he asked.

'and to think i gave him a chance to run,' i thought. I began my count down out loud, "5-4-3-."
"Hey why are you counting," Kyle asked looking scared.
I didnt reply instead i sprang into action chasing him round, and round, and round his- i mean our- room.
I got tired quickly cause i'm not exactly the fittest person around. So, i jumped as far i could but still only landed by his feet.
Kyle broke into a series of laughter, rolling around and wiping tears fromhis eyes.
I groaned and lied there on the floor panting for air.
"Now that i've got your undivided attention answer the following questions." he said bending so he could get in my face.
I tried with the last of my energy to swing my hand and hit him but being so weak i missed by a mile and a half.
He shook his head in a disapproving manner. "Ok. You can ask me one question but i get to ask you-"he puased for a minute to count, "three questions!"
"Now thats unfair!" i yelled.
"Life's unfair," he replied.
I scoffed. " ok You get to ask your only question." he said.
I thought for a moment. You know what this is like in those genie movies where the person only has one wish but he accidentally wastes it.
Well too bad for them cause that aint happening to me i will learn from their mistakes.
I thought for a moment longer and came upwith a simple question. "Are you gay?" i asked.

"Nope!" a simple reply for a simple question.
"My turn!" he said squeeling like a little girl.-and some people would wonder why i asked-
"First question, why do u hate me?"
"My answer, you have green eyes."
"Second question, Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Second Answer, Nope!" i said sarcastically.
"Ok. Are you a virgin?"
"Yes!" i answered shocked that he'd ask something like that.
He gasped. "Do you mean youve never felt the sweet pleasure that is sex?!?!"
"Never. Why are you a virgin?"
i asked genuinely curious.
"You only get one question," he replied.
"Wait! What! I answer four from you i must get one extra! This is so not fair!" i screamed at him.
"Go to bed Kenny you have to wake up in an hour," with that he walked over to his bed crawled in and closed his eyes.
I groaned walking over to my bed. Before i fell asleep i mumbled, "Kyle is such a jack ass." Then my eyes closed and sleep took over.
thanks for wiating and reading!
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I decided to try something new in this chapter hope you like it.