Status: I am going to try and update as often as possible since i am on vacation.

High School's A Game and I Suck at Sports

Chapter -05-

Waking wouldn’t be so awful if I had gotten a full night of sleep.
After Kyle woke me up I didn’t sleep well for the rest of the night because my bed was wet. Kyle is an inconsiderate jerk and I have to sleep in the same room as him.

I lied in bed waiting for Kyle to get out of the shower. Then I realized I didn’t have a school uniform today so I would have to pick something to wear to school.

I got up off my lazy butt and walked towards my walk-in closet to see what Sophia had bought. Inside the closet was three chairs in the centre set to face outwards in the form of a triangle. There were also two corners in the room with drawers and the rest was space for hanging clothes.

All the space for clothes in the room was taken up by the clothes I’m guessing Sophia bought. The clothes ranged from mini skirts to shorts to skinny jeans. There were leggings, dresses, tanks, sweaters and band tees. There was also jewelry and loads of it. In here little shopping spree she did not forget to buy makeup which I didn’t wear and didn’t know how to apply.

“Scrap the whole living in hell comment from yesterday. I’m officially dining in heaven!” I thought. My love for music kicked in and I began running around the closet dancing to the beat of the song Walking on Sunshine by Katrina & the Waves that began to play in my head.

I was just about to sing the chorus out loud, when the door to my closet flew open and in walked the devil’s spawn, Kyle. If life was anything like my imagination, red smoke would be flowing in behind him and he would be walking through fire that I wish would somehow burn him to death.

“What do you want?!” I asked upset that he had ruined my happy place.

“I just came to tell you that the shower is free.” He said trying to sound offended by my hostility. “No need to be so harsh.” He said, pouting trying to emphasize his hurt expression.

I flipped him off, grabbed my towel and bath rag and then headed for the shower. In the shower felt good because the water was warm that was until the water pressure became low. I turned the faucet trying to get the water pressure to increase but it remained low. I became frustrated and stomped my foot causing me to slip and fall unto my butt. That’s when the water pressure became high but this time spraying ice cold water everywhere. I screamed. I regret ever deciding to run away.
When I exited the bathroom with my towel wrapped securely around me Kyle was sitting on the edge of my bed, already dressed in his school uniform, with a smug look on his face.

The male school uniform consisted of full length black pants, a white shirt with a green and black tie. Kyle had his green blazer thrown unto my bed beside him and he also wore black leather shoes.

‘If this is how prestigious the uniform looked then I will definitely feel out of place not wearing it today.’ I thought.

“Hey Kenny, I forgot to tell you that I finished most of the hot water,” Kyle said shrugging nonchalantly.

“You bastard….” I began but I was cut off by Kyle’s tsking. He laughed as I walked off clearly pissed.

I went into my closet to get dressed. I went over to the drawers and searched for one that contained undergarments and took a bra and panty and put them on. I quickly put on a pair of black skinny jeans and black shirt with red and silver designs like hearts on it. I put on my favourite silver locket.

I walked out of the closet fully dressed with my hair combed back into a ponytail with side bangs. I looked to Kyle who was still sitting on my bed with his slightly messy, black hair covering his eyes that seemed to be closed. I stood there for about a minute admiring his body that was covered in nice muscles. He ran his left hand through his hair emphasizing the define muscles he had on that hand. He sighed heavily and then looked to the closet to see if I had come out yet.

“When did you come out?” Kyle asked for once seeming civilized.

“Why are you still in here?” I asked to try and avoid answering the question.

He fell for it and began to explain how he was my ride to school and that he has to keep an eye on me while I’m at school. Then he pointed to the corner where a awesome looking purple and black bag with silver accessories was sitting filled with books.

“That’s yours,” he informed me.

I ran over to it and picked it up. We headed down stairs to eat a quick breakfast before we left.

This household was very unwelcoming in many ways. Right now the atmosphere surrounding us stressed how fake a family relationship they had. Everyone around the table probably only gathered here so that they seemed like a family just in case someone from a gossip magazine was spying on them. They moved robotically to the table and the silence hung like a pen suspended from a string for the 10 minutes it took to eat the delicious bacon and scrambled egg the chef prepared for breakfast.

After eating everyone forced a goodbye and went about their daily routines.

I followed Kyle outside to his car. When I attempted to enter the front passenger seat he behaved like the exact opposite of a gentleman and blocked my path.

“What the hell…” I began but was rudely interrupted.

“Sit in the back,” he instructed. “I’m going to be picking up a few friends,” he added with a smirk.

I frowned and reluctantly opened the back door and got in.

Remember I’m not from America so the whole school system thing is a bit different.
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