Status: 59,710 words || Completed.



Tristan was hysterical. James was there to comfort his mate, still, whilst waiting on what was happening to their son right now. Gerard was just pacing the room and Frank was sitting down, orders from Gerard, and his head was lent backwards, his eyes slipping shut before suddenly springing back up whenever he realised that he was falling asleep.

Frank was tired but he wasn't going to sleep, not now.

When him and Gerard had brought Mikey in, William had been busy with a pregnant fertile and his mate so he couldn’t come tend to Mikey straight away, but as soon as he was done he took over from the doctor who had tended to Mikey since they had come into the hospital.

Cassadee was called in and the vampires had watched her enter the hospital and head down the hall and towards the room they knew Mikey was in.

Tristan couldn't help but think that maybe if he wouldn't have made Mikey go to Frank's house then this wouldn't have happened. Because then he wouldn't have felt the need to lie to Gerard and leave the house and walk away all alone.

Right now, he didn't care that Mikey had lied and said that he was allowed to walk home - he just wanted him to be alright.

It wasn't normal for a fertile to be puking up blood like he did. It was a relief that Tristan wasn't the one to find him because Gerard would have guessed that his mum wouldn't have been able to take it like him and Frank could.

They could snap out of their staring at him in order to have got him to the hospital whereas Tristan would have probably stayed with Mikey and refused to leave his side, not even to phone for help or anything like that. He would have just mostly been concerned about him there, on the floor and the thought of phoning for help would have slipped his mind.

Finally Gerard stopped pacing just enough to see that Frank was on his way to falling asleep but he didn't look too comfortable. So made his way over to him and sat next to him, Frank's head automatically resting itself on his shoulder.

"Go to sleep baby," Gerard mumbled, his voice low seeing as there wasn't much noise in the waiting room. Frank just muttered something that Gerard couldn't understand. "I'll wake you when we get told something about Mikey."

It seemed like that was all Frank needed to hear before he'd let himself fall asleep because almost as soon as Gerard said that, his eyes slipped closed and he felt himself fall asleep.

James had Tristan's head on his shoulder as well, the only difference was his mate wasn't going to go to sleep, no matter whether he told him what Gerard had said.

There would be no way Tristan would sleep whilst his baby was in with the doctor and they didn't know what was wrong.

Quite a bit of time passed by and Frank was still asleep but instead of his head on Gerard's shoulder, the Dom had gently brought his mate onto his lap so that he would be more comfortable than he was before.

Tristan was now sitting on the chair, knees up to his chest and head on them. James had gone to see whether he could get any information about what was happening with Mikey. It was all they wanted, just some information to know that he was alright and everything like that.

Of course, they also wanted to hear that he was awake, healthy and fine, but they doubted they would get anything like that being told to them by the doctors. That didn't seem like anything that would ever be used to describe Mikey except for the awake part because he was awake almost all the time during the day, except for sometimes when he's in his room and just ends up curling up under his quilt and falling asleep.

Sometimes on purpose and sometimes not on purpose.

Gerard looked back down the hallway and his head lifted up slightly when he saw James was coming back down it. Tristan's head almost lifted up almost in an expecting manner.

"They've had to give him several doses of medicated blood because the first lot they gave him he just puked back up," he told them. It was all he could tell them but at least it was something.

Tristan's head sunk back down to his knees again, his eyes were heavy because he was tired. Both Doms were tired as well, considering the time and how long these past hours have stretched out, but because they were Doms they could put off a lot more then fertiles could, so they could be tired like a fertile was but the fertile would sleep before the Dom had to.

James went over to his mate, sat on the chair next to him before pulling him onto his lap which made Tristan wrap his arms around him and almost bury himself into his chest.

They stayed in the same places they were in for a few more hours, at least. Neither Dom said much, the only words spoken were between Tristan and James with the Dom tell him to sleep but the fertile kept refusing.

He was still awake as well but his eyes were almost closing by themselves and he felt even more tired then he had ever felt before. But he wasn't going to sleep until he got told Mikey was fine.

Gerard was almost tempted to take Frank home and wait until his parents got told something because he knew James would phone him to tell him if something happened or not.

The only reason that Gerard was tempted to do so was because his mate was pregnant and it really wasn't a good atmosphere to be in whilst pregnant, a stressed and worried atmosphere.

But then he thought about how Frank probably wouldn't like being at home whilst Mikey was in the hospital and being almost clueless as to what was happening with him.

In the end they stayed at the hospital.

Frank felt himself wake up from talking he could hear around him. It was only James and Gerard talking but it was enough to wake him up.

He slowly sat up, a bit confused as to why he was waking up on Gerard's lap before realising that his mate must have moved him whilst he was asleep.

The two Doms finished speaking and Gerard looked down at Frank, who was rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "What's the time, Gee?" he asked, his voice still laced with sleep.

It was obvious that Frank didn't get as much sleep as he should have but there wasn't much that could be done seeing as he was awake now and he probably wouldn't be planning on going back t sleep now or any time soon.

"It's late. Mikey's been given more blood but other than that, we haven't heard anything about him." Frank nodded at his words, glad that he gave him an answer to his unasked question.

Just as he had moved off of Gerard's lap and onto the seat next to him, Cassadee came from the room that Mikey had been in since getting to the hospital.

Tristan's head raised up, his face still looking tired but he looked anxious as well. All of the vampires looked towards the nurse who was thinking on how to tell them what he needed to say.

"He's going to be fine Cassadee, right?" Tristan said, hope in his voice.

The nurse looked at him before looking away. "We're still unsure on what caused him to become ill like he was, but it seems that somehow there was some trace amounts of human blood still left in his system. And somehow, it managed to produce more human blood which didn't set too well with his fertile blood."

It felt like it was a repeat of how he was found all over again. Two different types of blood mixed together and it reacting badly within him. But even though it felt like a repeat, it still hurt Tristan so much.

"There also seems to be more problems with his blood but the thing is no one can identify what exactly they are. But it's an almost certain that the problems are after effects from having the human blood injected into his system for so long," Cassadee finished speaking and let the vampires absorb the information.

"And you would like to follow me, you can all see him. He's going to be groggy and most likely scared because we think it might have brought back memories of before for him." The vampires all nodded at her words before standing up and following Cassadee.

Gerard and Frank were behind Tristan and James. If they needed to, they'd stay outside so that his parents could go in first if a huge amount of people was going to uncomfortable with him.

When Cassadee opened the door the first thing they noticed was that Mikey was trying to take the IV that was trying to make sure all the human blood was all the way out of his system and it was just fertile blood from now on.

Cassadee rushed over to him and gripped his hands which made him look up at her. "I don't need this, I'm fine," he said, his voice strained.

She just shook her head at him. "You do need this and it needs to stay going into your system." All the fertile did was shake his head before repeating the words, "I'm fine."

Tristan moved into the room from where the others were standing in the doorway. The movement made Mikey from where he was looking over to the fertile coming towards him.

It was almost like he was scared that Tristan was going to be angry at him because he ducked his hand into his hands and starting shaking and mumbling out "I'm sorry."

This action not only confused Tristan but almost made his heartbreak again. The others were all confused too, Mikey had never been like this not even when he didn't know he was a fertile and was in the hospital before.

"Mikey," Tristan said which made the fertile shake even more and mumble out more words.

"P-please don't hurt me."

This made tears prick at Tristan's eyes as James came over to his mate and brought him into a hug, making his sob become muffled by his chest.

Cassadee turned to Mikey and placed a hand on his back which made him jump slightly. "No one's going to hurt you Mikey. Ever. What made you think that?"

All he did was shake his head and not say anything. His head still stayed buried in his hands.

Cassadee looked towards his parents before indicating for them to follow her, which they did. She was going to take them to William because not only did he have more of an explanation for them but also to tell him about what just happened.

Gerard tagged along with them which left Frank alone with Mikey. It was why Gerard decided to tag along with them because maybe it'd be best with just one person in the room with him at the moment.

When the door shut Frank made his way over to the bed and sat at the end which made Mikey look up. When he saw it was only Frank his eyes searched around the room to see whether there was anyone else in the room.

"It's only me, Mikey," Frank said quietly which made the fertile look at him silently.

They sat there for a while like that, in silence, before Frank decided to break it. "What was that all about? You know your mom would never hurt you, Mikey."

All Mikey did was shrug, he didn't want to explain anything now. He didn't like questions and he didn't like answering questions either. Also he knew that if he answered Frank about this he'd be telling him stuff about what happened with the humans.

And that was one thing he didn't want to ever tell, which was why he did get Sean to lie about what happened and everything.

Frank opened his mouth like he was going to speak but then closed it. He wasn't sure whether telling him now that he had told Gerard what he had promised he wouldn't would be a good idea or not.

In the end because they had just lapsed into silence again, he decided that it would be better to tell him now. "Mikey," he began which made the fertile look at him. He opened his mouth but then closed it. Licking his lips, he tried again. "Mikey.... I told Gerard."

When all Mikey did was furrow his eyebrows over what he said, Frank realised that he didn't quite realise what he was on about which meant he was going to have to explain more.

"I told Gerard what you told me, about how you don't feel like you belong. I'm really sorry Mikey, but you were missing and I was worried about you." Frank's voice had slowly become quieter as he spoke.

Mikey's eyes had grown wider as Frank spoke which didn't look like a good sign to Frank. He knew that he shouldn't have told him what he did and this was a good reason as to why he shouldn't have.

Though, Mikey did think that he could trust Frank which was why he did let himself tell him what he did but now it was obvious that he couldn't trust him.

"I really am sorry, Mikey," Frank said again, not liking the fact that he was being so quiet.

"I... I trusted you, Frank," Mikey said, the feeling of betrayal consuming him. Frank's eyes went wide.

"You can still trust me, Mikey, I only told Gerard because you were missing."

Mikey just shook his head. "I can't trust you anymore. I never should have told you anyway."

Frank felt hurt over the fact that Mikey had just told him that he couldn't trust him, in them words almost exact. He thought Mikey might have understood.

They remained in silence until the others came back, Frank upset and Mikey regretting ever agreeing to leave his room and visit Frank. It had just ended a bad way and what he thought was the bad way was Frank having told Gerard what he had told him.

Mikey couldn't see the puking of the blood as a bad thing because when he was with the humans it was a regularly occurring thing.

So in a way, he was used to it unlike all the others.
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I can't wait to get this over and done with. I had fun writing it but not posting it.