Veinte Mil

votos de amor

Cocked hip and lighted cigarette, she's ready to die.

Her throat is a chimney harboring slow suicide, the tip of her tongue tasting of pending death. And she liked it. Glimmering lips and shocking heels, she's a devastating accident ready to happen. Her motto 'por siempre' her dilemma life. And so, she'd crumble life to ashes between her fingers, tasting loss and kissing death. She was no god.

She would retell her story again and again between saccharine inhales; her eyes an alphabet, her lips a dialect. She could spell out fatality with one smile and death with one exhale. Her eyes a blend of hazed zircons and washed dreams. Rare smiles and extinct kisses, she'd savor nicotine and count blinks. Ragged breaths with indistinct confessions, she inhales humanity and exhales destruction.

Her wrist is pressed against taffeta, her breath chafing against toulle; thinking of a future that floats and curls into smoke and whispers away into nightmares. One more exhale, one more delusion.

She reeked of twenty thousand dreams.