A Criminal Mind


Callie walked into the bedroom and climbed on top of Spencer, laying her head on his chest.

“Baby,” She started. “Lets talk.” She said moving so her body was completely on top of his, and her head was resting in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist loosely and sighed.

“I talked to Derek, he made me realize some things. I haven’t been fair at all to you Cal. I, I love you C and… and I don’t think I can handle things without you anymore Callie. I know that I’m never going to have Diana, and I think it just took me so long to realize this because I was holding on to some glimpe of hope. I, I love you Cal, not Melissa, part of me is saying I never actually ever loved her. I want to move beyond this, I don’t want this to put a strain on us. We are what is important now, you’re the most important thing to me now, and forever.”

“I love you Spee. Thank you for telling me this. I guess now would be a good time that my friend Ashley is house sitting for us after the wedding, Ashley will be getting here tomorrow just so you know. Although Mia is still going to be taking care of the twins while we‘re away.”

“Why tomorrow?” Spencer groaned running his hands over Callie’s back and shoulders until one came up to play with her hair and the other was sneakily rubbing her hip bone at the top of her pants.

“Because I haven’t seen Ash in a really long time, you haven’t even met Ash and Ashley is my best friend who is also coming to our wedding.”

Spencer’s fingers started to travel just below the waistband of her pants, Callie just smiled and pulled away from him and took his hands in hers.

“Now, now. There will be plenty of time for that later, but right now your boss and two of your co workers are downstairs.”

“Mmhm, but then Ashley will be here.”

“I said later, not tomorrow. I’ll make it up to you tonight baby, I promise. And we’ll have an entire two weeks in Hawaii too baby, no one to bother us, just us, together, a little place on the beach…” Callie said trailing off, twirling a lock of Spencer’s hair through her fingers.

“Sounds amazing C.”

“C’mon Spence, lets go back downstairs baby.” Callie said getting off Spencer and taking his hand again. They dressed in more proper clothing before going back downstairs, Derek was struggling to care for both of the kids at once which made Callie laugh as she took one of the twins and Spencer took the other.

“Hotch and Gideon had to get home and if you’re both alright I’m going to head out.”

“Yeah Derek,” Callie said looking up at Spencer who smiled back down at her. “we’re good.”

The twins were put down for a nap, and Callie grabbed Spencer’s hands, leading him up to their bedroom.