A Criminal Mind


The next day around noon Callie had just gotten back from grocery shopping and Spencer was at work when there was a knock at the door. Callie checked the security camera and then rushed to the door.

“Ash!” She said tackling the tattooed, raven haired man on the other side of the door.

“Callie, babe, how are you?” He asked releasing himself from her death grip hold.

“I’m awesome! C’mon in! The twins won’t be back until tonight but you can see them then.” Callie said leading him into the house, and locking the door behind him.

“And here I thought you were gonna wait for me.” Ashley said laughing.

“So how’s Andy?”

“Don’t ask.”

“What happened Ashie?”

“He thinks it would be better if we weren’t together anymore, better for the band anyways.’

“Oh honey I’m so sorry.” She said wrapping her arms around him.

“Its just, he was the only person I’ve ever loved and he ripped my heart out and smashed it into a million tiny pieces. This is why I swore that I would never fall in love, because it ends in heartbreak.” Ashley said, a few stray tears dripping down his cheeks. “I love him, I still love him!”

“Ash, oh Ashley, everything is alright in the end. He really loves you Ash, I know he does. I don’t know why he did this to you babe, but everything is going to be okay. Are you two still living together in Cali?”

“Well, Jinxx and Sammi opened their doors to me, but I’m staying with CC and Jake.”

“Alright doll face, but you’re welcome here anytime you want.” Callie said tucking some of his straightened black hair behind his ear. “Are you hungry? I can make you something.”

“No, don’t worry about it. How are you and Spencer?” Ashley said quickly changing the subject.

“We’re fine, its hard to get time for just the two of us with his job and me playing softball, and the twins but, we find time.”

“And…. So how about sex?”

“Oh don’t even go there honey. Spencer and I have a very healthy sex life.”

“Well duh, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have twins! Especially with your condition sweetie. Well, tell me about it!”

“Ash you are so flaming.”

“Hey! Don’t dodge the question! When is the last time you two did it?”

“Last night.”

“Oooh, go on.”

“Ashley, I’ll tell you this and this only. Spencer and I had sex twice last night, and it was amazing. End of discussion.”

“So he’s good then?”

“Yes, very. Now we’re done talking about this.”

“Fine. Just, be prepared that before you marry him in six days he has to pass the best friend inspection.”

“Don’t give him too much of a hard time.”


A few hours later dinner was just about done when Spencer walked into the house carrying a big bouquet of lilies wrapped up in pink ribbon and beads.

“Callie? Where are you babe?” Spencer called walking into the kitchen where he was startled by the strange man sitting at the table.

“Hey Spee…” She said turning around. “Oh those are beautiful!” She gasped.

“I felt so bad about yesterday, Cal, I’m sorry about what happened.”

“Oh, Spencer, that wasn’t your fault and you know it! You didn’t have to bring me flowers baby.”

“Well maybe I just wanted to bring you something because you’re so beautiful.” Spencer said setting the flowers down and pulling Callie into a deep, passionate kiss.

“Love you.” Callie said when they pulled away.

“Love you more.” Spencer said smiling.

Ashley cleared his throat, catching their attention.

“Oh! Spence, baby, this is Ashley.”

“Oh, uh, hi Ashley, I’m Spencer. Its nice to meet you, Callie’s told me a bit about you.”

“Just a bit? She’s told me everything about you.”

“Alright boys! Dinner’s ready!”

They ate dinner with Ashley bombarding Spencer with questions.

“So, Spencer…” Ashley started.

“Don’t start Ash.” Callie interrupted.

“Oh come on darling don’t be like that.” Ashley said.

“What?” Spencer asked all confused.

“Relax Spee. Ash I think you should call Andy when you’re done eating.”

“What’s the point?”

“Ashie, he’s been ringing my phone non stop for three hours.”

“Oh. Well he broke up with me so its not my fault the bitch has come crawling back.”

“Ashley Purdy shut your mouth. He’s your friend, he really does love you Ash.”

“Ha, that’s funny. Last time I talked to him he was convincing me that it was best if we broke up.”

“Ash, call him, and then we can have a jam session, kay?”

“I just wish that for once things would be easy.”

“Things will never be easy doll face. I know from experience.” Callie said looking at Spencer smirking.

“Hey! It wasn’t my fault that your crazy fans kidnapped me!” Spencer exclaimed.

“What?” Ashley asked.

“Turns out I have quite a few people who like to stalk me, they tried to kidnap me, but they hadn’t accounted for Spencer and they kidnapped him from our bedroom when I was in the bath.”

“But that is beside the point, Ash-” Callie was cut off by the doorbell ringing. “Oh that must be Mia with the twins.” Callie said getting up and answering the door. She came back in with the twins cradled in her arms. Ashley stood up and went over to Callie.

“Oh god Cal, they’re beautiful!” Ashley said taking Jon from Callie and Spencer took Riley. “Wow, Callie, your kids are amazing.”

“They got it from their daddy.”

“Ha, they got being a skinny loser from their dad.” An new voice said. They looked over and there was a man standing in the corner with a knife in his hands.

“Oh no, not a-fucking-gain.” Callie said realizing that Spencer had already locked up his gun. She grabbed one of her softball bats that was lying on the floor while Ashley stood there scared and confused out of his mind. She grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl, tossed it up and swung the bat at the apple, sending it flying towards the man. It hit him in the hand causing the knife to fall to the floor. Spencer, who set Riley in the play pen, kicked the knife away as Callie swung the bat, hitting their attacker in the knee, causing him to fall to the floor with a shattered knee cap. This gave Spencer time to handcuff him and he then called Hotch.

“I thought I locked the door after I got the twins from Mia. Spencer I’m so sorry this is all my fault.” Callie said.

“Oh, Cal, no its not, don’t think that way. He would have found a way in regardless.”

Callie got a phone call while they were waiting on Hotch, it was Garcia.

“Hey Penny, what’s up?”

“Oh my god I just had a link sent to me, you guys are in some serious danger!”

“Yeah Pen, we know.”

“What do you mean you know?”

“Because there’s a guy currently handcuffed on my living room floor. Hotch is on his way, we’re all alright.”

“You know about the site then?”

“What site?”

“You guys need to come into the BAU with Hotch, he had everyone recalled. Stay on the line with me until Hotch gets there too.”

“I’ve got a guest over I don’t think we can ditch him here.”

“No, bring him to the BAU with us.” Hotch said as he entered the home, apparently through the same unlocked front door. “The local LEOs were behind me they should be here in a minute to pick this guy up then we’ll head to the BAU, there’s something you two should see.”

The three of them took Riley and Jon and got in the SUV with Hotch who drove quickly to the FBI headquarters where they headed up to the BAU offices.