A Criminal Mind


Saturday finally came and the BAU team was seated at a table right next to the table Spencer, his mother, and Callie and her immediate family were at.

About halfway through dinner Callie and Reid got up by the podium and had a microphone in front of them.

“So, I know you’re all wondering why on earth I called you all here,” Callie said.

“First off, in about three months we will be the proud parents of a set of twins, Riley Madison, and Jonathan Derek,” Reid started, but then Callie wanted to share the last bit of information.

“Second, in about a year’s time, after the twins are born, we’ll be getting married!” Callie and Reid were so obviously happy, and Garcia leaned over to Morgan and muttered the phrase that got a chuckle out of the dark skinned man. “Told you so.”

“Thank you all so much for coming, and we’ll let you finish eating your dinner in peace now.” Callie said with a smile and a thumbs up.

Back at Spencer’s table Mrs. Reid was so pleased that she was going to have grandchildren, Callie’s family was not so pleased because they’ve been under the suspicion that Spencer was an FBI agent, they didn’t make a whole lot of money, and he was just with Callie for her money. Needless to say when Callie returned to the table, her mother called her a whore, badmouthed Spencer and walked out, the rest of the family following. Callie started bawling, and Spencer wrapped an arm around her and comforted her as she cried on his shoulder. In five minutes her mother had managed to ruin such a happy occasion.

“Its going to be alright Callie, please don’t cry beautiful, you’ll upset Riley and Jon.”

“Did I tell you that they recognize their daddy’s voice?” She said looking up with tears glittering her eyelashes.

“Uh, no, how do you know?” Spencer asked.

“Because every time they hear you talk they start moving, or kicking. Here,” She said taking Spencer’s hand and placing it where one of the twins was currently kicking.

“They do that every time they hear me?”

“They love their daddy, just like I do.”

After their little moment they found that the BAU team moved over to their table and offered all of their love and support for the two, giving hugs and other congratulations.