A Criminal Mind


It was about a week later, Spencer was at work, Callie went grocery shopping although she wasn’t supposed to be out of bed. As her car was approaching the house she saw a black van in the driveway, and another one a little farther, passed the intersection. She quickly turned down a side street and called Spencer.

“Hey, Callie what’s wrong?”

“Spencer there were two black vans, one in the driveway, one more down on the other side of the intersection. It scared me Spence.”

“Okay, you come here, I’ll have them bring you up here when you get here, I’ll take care of it, is there anyone following you?”

“No, I’m the only one of the street right now.”

“Okay, come straight here alright?”


At the BAU Spencer hung up the phone and Hotch looked at him worriedly.

“Is everything alright Reid?” He asked.

“There were two vans outside the house, it scared Callie, she’s on her way here.” Spencer said before dialing another number.

“Hey Dennis, Callie’s on her way here, have someone help her up here when she arrives.”

“Will do.” The other man replied before hanging up.

“Reid? What’s going on?” Morgan asked approaching him.

“There were some people at the house, it scared Callie, she’s on her way in.”

“Reid did you call the cops?”

“No, they’ll be gone by the time the cops get there if they saw Callie.”

“And what if they didn’t? I’m gonna take a ride over there alright Reid, you stay here and wait for Callie.” Morgan said before telling Hotch what he was leaving to do.

About ten minutes after Morgan left, the elevator pinged and one of the men from the front desk was escorting Callie to the BAU offices.

Spencer walked over to them quickly and wrapped his arms around Callie, who was almost emotionless.

“Are you alright?” Spencer asked, receiving only a nod for an answer.

“How are Riley and Jon?”

“They’re alright, Spence.”

“Okay, come sit down, you shouldn’t be walking around Cal.” Callie only nodded as Spencer led her to his desk, where he sat her in his chair as Hotch approached them.

“Are you alright Callie?”

“I’m alright, thanks Agent Hotchner.”

“Hotch, and, do you need anything?”

“No, I’m alright.”

“Okay, can you tell me anything about these people at your house.”

“I didn’t see anyone specifically, just two vans, black, four door, Chrysler 1998, couldn’t tell what model, just the year…” She then went on to tell them the license plate numbers and other details.

“You were right Reid they were gone but this was taped to the front door.” Morgan said entering the bullpen with an ripped open envelope. “I opened it to make sure it wasn’t dangerous, its just a piece of paper with a few lines scribbled onto it.

“What does it say?” Hotch asked.

“I cannot go to the ocean, I cannot try the streets at night, I cannot wake up in the morning without you on my mind. So you’re gone and I’m haunted, and I bet you are just fine. Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?” Morgan said, before Callie started singing.

“Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dream, I’m trying not to think about you can’t you just let me be. So long my luckless romance, my back is turned on you, should’ve known you’d bring me heartache, almost lovers always do.” Everyone looked at her expectantly, not only unaware she could sing, but that she knew what the writing meant.

“It’s the song I sang for a solo in swing choir in college.”

“Callie that’s really good, and bad at the same time, it could be someone that you knew in high school.” Hotch explained. “What are the other words to the song, it might help us.”

Callie wrote the entire song down on a piece of paper for them as she sang it to herself.

She handed it to Hotch and he sat down, highlighting key words, while he had Garcia pull up a list of names and faces of everyone who attended school with Callie who was living within six hours of the area.

“Hotch there’s ten people living within a six hour’s drive of Callie’s house that attended college with her.”

“Any that drive a black four door van?”


“Cross check with the license plates we sent you.”

“Already did, it’s a match, here’s their names and addresses.” Garcia said as something popped up on the screen in front of them.

“Reid, stay here with Callie, the rest of you, get in the SUVs lets go.” Hotch said grabbing his gun and vest.

When they were out the door Callie was all of a sudden very quiet, and held her hand over the very prominent baby bump. Just then Garcia ran in to see Callie, she pulled up a chair next to her and Reid who was holding Callie’s free hand.

“How are the baby geniuses?” Garcia asked.

“They’re doing fine Penny.” Callie said. “Oh, this reminds me, Penelope, we were wondering if you’d be the twins godmother?”

“Oh my god! Of course! I would be honored!” Garcia said smiling.

“Oh,” Callie said.

“What? Callie? What is it? Are you alright?” Reid said panicking.

“Its fine Spee, they’re kicking again.” She said taking his hand and leading it to her stomach, when Reid felt the baby kick his eyes lit up, he no longer saw it as disturbing, he saw it as this beautiful miracle, he was overjoyed that he was going to be a father and every time he felt the twins kick he almost tears up in joy.

“Thank you.” He said looking up from Callie’s protruding stomach.

“For what Spence?”

“Giving me this most wonderful gift.”

Garcia couldn’t help but let out an ‘aw’.

“It was a team effort.” Callie said smiling before she leaned in and met Spencer’s lips.

“I love you Spee.”

“Love you too Cal.”