A Criminal Mind


“Everything is going to be alright Callie.” Spencer said as he and Derek climbed into the back of the ambulance with her.

When they arrived at the hospital they took Callie into the ER immediately, while Spencer and Derek sat out in the waiting room in white plastic chairs.

After what seemed like a millennium the doctor came out to speak with Spencer.

“Is she alright?”

“She’s might be, one of the twins kicked her liver to the point where it began to bleed, the kick also caused the amniotic sack that babies live in inside the womb to break so the twins are in as much danger as she is. She has passed out from blood loss, meaning you are the only one who can make health decisions for her.”

“What do you mean might be alright?”

“We will need to operate to stop the bleeding, we would need to perform a c-section and take the twins out, the twins are at the point where they will survive life outside the womb but would definitely be premature and have to stay in the hospital for a while, it’s the only way to save Callie and the twins.”

Spencer nodded. “Okay, do it.”

The doctor had Spencer sign a few forms and then Spencer all but collapsed into the plastic chair, head in his hands.

“Hey, its going to be alright kid.” Derek said taking a seat next to him.

“Callie wanted me to ask you something, I guess now’s a good of a time as any.”

“What is it Reid?”

“She wanted to know if you would be the twins godfather.”

“Of course I will Reid, but, why me?”

“She said that she only wants the best for her kids incase something ever happens to us, and after all you’ve done I guess she thought you, and Garcia, would be the best people to take care of our kids, granted anything should happen to us, although I hope nothing ever does.”

“Me too kid, me too.”

They sat there in near silence for about an hour until Garcia ran in.

“How is she?” She asked sitting next to Spencer.

“They haven’t given us an update since they took her into surgery. Since the twins are old enough to survive outside the womb, but would have to be kept in the hospital, they are performing a c-section to take them out since that’s what hurt her.”

“Oh Spencer, everything is going to be okay.” Garcia said wrapping an arm around him.

About twenty minutes later they came out with charts, with the baby’s time of birth, they needed the parent’s complete names and such, and baby’s names and such, which Spencer was happy to give.

“Mother,” The nurse was somewhat harsh but Spencer didn’t seem to care.

“Coraline Elizabeth Gradinson.”


“Spencer William Reid.”

“What’s the baby girl’s name?”

“Riley Madison Reid.”

“And the baby boy?”

“Jonathan Derek Reid. How’s Callie?”

“The doctor will be out momentarily to speak to you on her condition.”

About ten minutes later the doctor walked out, there was blood on his lab coat, Spencer almost sobbed knowing it was Callie’s without a doubt.

“Well Doctor Reid the twins are both alright, they will need to be kept here until they reach a healthy weight, Callie is currently in a medical induced coma so her body can begin the repair process, she will be out for as little as two days up to two weeks depending on when her body is ready.”

“Can I see her?”

“Yes, room 204, when you would like to see the twins, they are down this hallway, make a left unfortunately since they are in a fragile condition we can’t allow anyone to hold them, but they are in the nursery where our nurses will be monitoring them 24/7.”

The doctor bid goodbye and the three walked by to see the twins before going up to see Callie. They saw the two cribs with REID written on the end, Spencer and Garcia almost cried seeing them. Spencer gasped and covered his mouth a tear leaking out.

“They’re beautiful Spencer.” Garcia said before the two shared a hug, which Derek soon got pulled into.

They had to tear themselves away to go upstairs and see Callie. When they walked in she was hooked up to all sorts of machines and monitors, Spencer’s heart almost broke seeing her look so helpless.

He walked over to her bedside and pushed a few strands of hair out of her face, it always had made her smile when he did that, but now she was emotionless, like she was sleeping although she didn’t look peaceful at all. He took her lifeless hand and squeezed it between both of his, although she didn’t squeeze back, she laid lifeless.

“She’s going to be alright Reid, let me call Hotch, we’ll have officers stationed here, then I’m going to take you home, and you are going to get a good nights sleep. She’s going to be fine here, she’s not waking up for at least two days.”

“I guess, I just feel bad leaving her here.”

“Reid, relax, everything will work out alright.” Morgan said before pulling out his phone. He dialed Hotch’s number, the man had obviously been sleeping.

“What is it Morgan?”

“Can you get a few officers stationed outside of room 204 and the nursery at St. Mungo’s?”

“What happened?”

“Turns out the twins wanted out. The one kicked Callie’s liver, also puncturing their amniotic sack, so the doctors had to take them out to save them and Callie. The twins are being watched 24/7 by nurses because they need a lot of care, Callie is in a medical coma, she won’t be awake for two days at least. But I would like to take Reid home, he’s obviously under a hell of a lot of stress, the kid hasn’t slept in days.”

“I’ll make a few calls and get back to you.”

“Thanks Hotch.”

“Morgan, before you go, how’s Reid holding up?”

“Stressed, tired, I don’t think he’s going to be able to hold up much longer to be honest.”

“Alright, let me make those calls.”

The line went dead, and it was silent in the room. Garcia was standing nest to Spencer, she gave him an assuring smile and he smiled back although it looked like he was about to burst out into tears.

Derek came by to sit next to Spencer, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“He didn’t tell me it was going to be this hard.”

“What’s going to be this hard?”

“To see her like this.”

“She’s not going to be like this forever Spencer.”

Derek’s phone rang, it was Hotch calling him back.

“Yeah Hotch.”

“There will be two officers stationed outside her room, and three stationed by the nursery, we do have to remember, whoever is doing this might be after her kids as well. The officers should be on their way, after that I want you to take Reid home, I don’t need to see either of you at work tomorrow.”

“Okay Hotch, I understand.”

About ten minutes later fully armed officers knocked on the door, Morgan went out to brief them on the situation, no one was to enter the room without express permission from Spencer. Once they left Callie’s room they walked by the nursery to take a last look at the twins before they had to leave.

Garcia dropped the two of them off at Spencer’s house, once they were inside Spencer just broke down.

“Hey, kid, this ain’t your fault.” Derek said.

“It feels like it is.”

“Reid, this was in no way your fault, Callie’s gonna be fine.”

“I, I should call her dad, he’s the only one who actually liked me in her family.”

“Spencer, its two in the morning, get some sleep, call him in the morning.”

“I guess that would be a better idea.”