A Criminal Mind


The next day when the two men woke up the house was oddly empty feeling, it was so quiet almost eerie. Most of the day was quiet until around noon when Spencer got a call from the hospital saying Callie had woken up. They got to the hospital in record time. Spencer ran up the several flights of stairs, skipping the elevator, and ran into Callie’s room, where she was sitting in bed with a doctor talking to her.

“Spence,” She sighed.

“Hi Callie, how do you feel?” He asked sitting next to her and holding her hand in his.

“I’m alright, how’s Riley and Jon?”

“They’re fine, I checked on them myself, they’re beautiful Cal. I’m sorry the doctors said you wouldn’t be awake until tomorrow at the earliest, I was going to bring you flowers and such, but--”

“Its fine Spee, you know I don’t expect that sort of stuff out of you.”

“I feel like this is all my fault.”

“Oh, Spencer, don’t talk like that. This wasn’t your fault. Our children are a blessing, and I don’t care what happens, as long at they’re alright, and we’re alright.”

“Sorry to break up this love fest but, a certain Derek Morgan called saying you were awake, so Hotch gave us an extended lunch to come visit!” Garcia said coming into the room.

“Hey Penny!” Callie said smiling. “Emily, Gideon, Hotch, hi! Now where is this Derek Morgan I hear about?”

“Right here,” Derek said entering the room.

“Thank you for taking care of Spencer.”

“How do you know I did anything at all?”

“Because you’re a compassionate person who cares deeply about every member of the team, and have a drive to keep all of them safe, especially Spencer. I can see it when you interact with people, and I know Spencer wouldn’t have gone home last night without being dragged out. So its easy to come to the conclusion that you made Spencer go home and get some rest, although it doesn’t look like he got too much of it.”

“Now why do you say that?” Spencer asked.

“Because you look exhausted Spencer. The circles under your eyes are darker than usual, a making me believe if you got any sleep at all last night, it wasn’t for more than an hour or two and are now over compensating with even more coffee than you usually drink.”

Gideon leaned over to Hotch, they were both thinking the same thing.

“She would have made a damn good profiler.” Gideon whispered.