Not So Faded Memories

Part II.

The following spring was like any other spring before that. Warm and chilly at the same time, when all the flowers and plants started to bloom again. Tom loved this part of the spring, he just loved to sit and watch the flowers all day, wondering what it would be like to be one. It was a passing though occasionally, but on this one day he actually stopped to think about it.

He stood in his front lawn, thinking, the light wind blowing across him, tousling his hair over his face. Tom stood there for an extra few minutes, pondering over his flowers, when he heard a car pull up in his driveway. He turned around, letting the flower in his hand drop back down in its place on the vine. He stared at the car, not knowing whose it was, and not seeing well enough to tell who was in the drivers seat. He watched as the driver got out of the vehicle, closed the door and walk a few feet, and stop to stand in front of Tom. The brunette sucked in a breath, biting at his lip. Real life, was this happening? No. A dream then, possibly.

"Danny?" he breathed out.

Danny nodded a little, staring Tom straight in the eyes. "Tom," he said. "It’s.. been a while."

Tom nodded back to him. "It has. Danny, I just want to apologize for what I said the last time I saw you.."

"There’s no need to apologize, Tom," Danny cut off. "I fully understand now why you did what you did. I was acting like a jerk and I deserved it, really."

All Tom could do was nod and stare at Danny like an idiot. He waited almost a year and a half for this. He couldn’t believe that Danny was here at all. And that he understood. And more importantly that Danny was here on his own accord.

"I just wanted to come by and apologize to you, Tom." Danny continued. "I’m sorry it took so long to do it, but I needed to get it right. I still have feelings for you Tom, and it was hard to just come up here, not knowing if you had moved on or anything."

Guh. Tom’s heart was beating quickly against his chest cavity. What did he just say? Tom closed his mouth, licking over his lips for a second. "You.. what?" he asked the other boy.

"I still have feelings for you, Tom," Danny repeated. "I don’t know if you do or not, but I just needed.. I just needed to get that off my chest." He looked down at his feet, then quickly back up to Tom. "Well, I guess I’ll be seeing ya then."

He.. what. Tom stood rooted to his place, as if frozen there. This was his chance, Tom thought. Why wasn’t he doing anything? Tom took a big gulp, and stepped after the other boy.

"Wait, Danny!" he called out to him.

Danny stopped, and turned around, just as Tom made it to him. "I never moved on either. I was waiting for you," Tom said. And with that he grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him towards Tom, kissing him gently. "I’ll always wait for you, Danny."

Twilight. It was the part of the day that Tom loved most, and it was the part of the day that Tom would never forget.