Status: Completed, leave feedback. :]

Don't Wake Up


Useless; you watch the sky darkening, shades of grey mingling as rain drops begin to fall. You avert your eyes to glare at the cracked concrete beneath your feet. You wonder how you've gotten here, to this very place. But you find your memory is blank; you are void of any nostalgic sentiment. You take a deep breath, reassuring yourself, and close your eyes, because frankly, it's just easier that way.

Lost; the footsteps of people around you on their way to work, home, friend's houses, bring you back to reality. The rhythm of rain drops hitting the pavement sends your mind spiraling even further. Standing amidst a crowd of business men and women, in a city of shattered dreams and regret, you are lost. No sense of direction, and without aspiration, you find yourself wandering without a purpose.

Broken; making your way down the streets, the dismal skies closing in on you, you feel tears begin to sting your eyes. They threaten to spill - threaten to expose your weakness, to expose you for what you really are. Everything you've ever known has crumbled, leaving you alone. Everything you've dreamed of, everything you've strived for is gone. You swallow hard, pushing the ball of anguish deeper down your throat. Your stomach contorts itself, intestines twisting and shredding. The pain blossoms deep in your gut, exploding into your chest.

Dead; your body hits the pavement with a loud thud. Thick blood pools around your head, like a crimson crown. It trickles down your ears and neck, staining the concrete. Your lower body goes numb, and it spreads into your abdomen, leaving you to feel nothing. Nothing but confusion, the fear and pain engulfing your heart. Squeezing so tight, threatening to break your heart into a million pieces. Your hands begin to tremble as you struggle to take in erratic breaths. Your vision becomes blurry, the edges fading. Your eyes close, your hands finally falling by your sides. They no longer tremble, and your heart it no longer beats. You're dead.
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Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Leave some feedbaaack. Thanks for reading. :D