Status: Writing!

She'll Be The Death Of Me

You're Being Loud Without a Sound

"John! Can you help me with dinner?" Shay yelled to John, who was sitting upstairs with Daisy and J.

John sighed. Between watching the kids and cleaning, he was worn out. It sucked being a good husband.

"In a minute, babe! I gotta put Dais to sleep!" he yelled. "JJ, you're going to have to be a good boy for dinner, okay? Uncle Kenny and his girlfriend Gabby are coming for dinner. No playing with your food, and be nice. Promise?"

"Yes, daddy!" JJ yelled before taking off downstairs to watch mommy cook.

John gently set Daisy down in her crib. The beautiful little girl blinked her eyes a couple of times, and her long brown lashes made John's heart flutter. She was growing up to look just like Shay, which, by all means, is perfect. She was an easy baby to deal with. John never had problems with putting her to sleep. The moment she was set in her crib, she began to drift off to sleep. John smiled and went downstairs to help Shay.

"What do you need, Shay?" he asked as he saw her struggling with about ten different pots. He quickly turned the stove off when he saw smoke begin to rise from the frying pan.

"Ugh!" she screamed as she waved her arms around frantically. "John, can you stir the spaghetti or something?"

John nodded and picked up the wooden spoon before starting to push around the noodles in the boiling water.

"I think they're done, Shay. Do I turn the stove off?" he asked.

Shay nodded. "Yeah, umh, see the sifter over there?" He nodded. "Pour the pot into that and shake it around to get the water out. You can just leave it there to cool off for a couple of minutes."

After a few minutes of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, they were finally done preparing dinner. All that stuff was hard work, and John couldn't cook to save his life. It was safe to say that Shay couldn't either, but she carefully followed the directions on the back of the boxes. Now that they were fully exhausted, it was time to entertain guests.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and JJ ran to answer it.

"Uncle Kenny! Is that your girlfriend?" JJ cooed.

Kennedy nodded and put his arm around Gabby. "Yes it is!" He kissed her cheek and she blushed.

"Oooh, she's pretty, Uncle Kenny!" JJ said as he put his tiny hands over his mouth.

"Aren't you a sweetheart! Oh, my, you look just like your daddy!" Gabby gushed. The little boy was adorable; such a chick magnet.

JJ scrunched up his nose and grinned. "My daddy's handsome. That's what my mommy said!"

Kennedy and Gabby laughed, and John came over to let them in.

"I see JJ's been keeping you guys busy. Come on in, dinner's ready."


They had finished dinner and were gathered around the table conversing.

"So, when are you two going to start making babies? You've been together long enough!" John joked.

Kennedy and Gabby looked at each other and started laughing.

"Well... you guys up for a funny story?" Kennedy mumbled.

"Oh God. No. You're kidding me, aren't you?" John said with a straight face. He looked at Shay, who had eyes the size of saucers.

"You guys are the first to find out. I'm 4 months pregnant with a baby girl." Gabby smiled and blushed.

"Congratulations, both of you! That's awesome. Wow. Any names?" Shay gushed.

Gabby looked at Kennedy and grinned. "We want to name our baby Kayella, kind of a combination of our names."

"That's beautiful! Maybe, if we get lucky, Kayella and JJ will end up together. They're only three years apart, right?" Shay dreamed of how it would be if their kids ended up married. How funny would that be? Then she thought of how Little J would grow up. Would his friends call him John? Would he be a little heartbreaker? Would he be shy? She would just have to wait and see.

John shook his head and smiled. "Wouldn't that be something...."

"I wouldn't mind it! There wouldn't be any trouble with the in-laws for either of them," Kennedy said.

"Good point there, Ken. I don't know what I'm gonna do when Little J starts liking girls. Or my Daisy! I'm not letting any boys around her. She's my little girl!" John said.

"John, don't be such a party pooper! You have to let her grow up. Who am I kidding? Daisy's not even a year old and we're already worried about this. How about you potty train her first?" Shay laughed.

John sighed. Any father would be over protective over their only little girl. He knew firsthand what boys were like in high school. They didn't think with their heads or their hearts, that's for sure.
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Awh, so Kenny and Gabby are having a baby! How cute.
Definitely a filler, but it kind of foreshadows the future a little (;