Status: Writing!

She'll Be The Death Of Me

You're Electric, I Can't Get Over It

After a 12 hour overnight flight to London, they had arrived in one piece, though tired. The bus was awful. It reeked of sweaty guys and expired food. It was cramped up and had no internet. Life was going to be amazing for the next three months.

John sighed and laid his head back in his minuscule bunk. With his legs bent, they were crammed up against the wall. It was so hard to just relax in his 'private' space. He felt a bump as Jared collapsed onto the bunk below him.

"Johno, what's good?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Eh, I can tell you what's not good," John muttered.

"You're lost without Shay, aren't you?" Jared propped himself up on his pillow and stretched out his legs.

"More like dead without her. How do you do it, Jare? How do you leave Genevieve home like this?"

Jared let out a small laugh. "Easy. I'm not in love with her. I like her, but I don't love her like you love Shay."

John shook his head. "You know, sometimes, I think life would be so much easier without love."

"I feel you, J. You wouldn't have these crazy feelings, would you?"

John chuckled. "Crazy is right. Erratic would be more accurate, probably."

"But it always turns out perfect."

"Perfect is a bit to the extreme. I'd say, it turns out to be love. Love isn't perfect, it's just..." John paused for a moment to think. "It's just enough."

"You couldn't have said it any better." Jared sighed and closed his eyes for a few minutes. "John?"


"Ready to party it up tonight? This Century's having a tour kick-off party. Up for it?" Jared crossed his fingers.

It had been a while since John had really lost it at a party. Shay never let him drink too much, in fear that the kids would be horrified to see their father drunk. He couldn't blame her; he would be scared of himself, too. Alcohol was what destroyed John the most. It drove him to do stupid things and act like the person that Shay hated so much. She wasn't here, though, so he wouldn't be hurting anyone.

He sighed. "Sure. Just make sure I don't do anything I'll regret."

Jared laughed a little. "If I'm sober enough to remember who you are, I will."

How many red cups had he gone through? He was floating sky high right now. John reached for another bottle of Heineken, but his hand was stopped by a small, pale one with manicured pink nails.

"I think you've had enough, John," the blond said while giggling.

"Enough of what?" he slurred.

"You're so funny!" she cooed.

John chuckled and grabbed the bottle anyway. He popped the top off and took a swig.

"So I've heard," he said with a confident smirk.

She slinked up to him and sat on his lap. "I've heard some things about you, too." She laughed outrageously and threw in a wink.

"Care to share?"

"I'll tell you if you take me onto your bus," she said slyly.

John grabbed her hand and led her off This Century's bus.

Joel Kanitz saw John and whispered to Jared. "What is John doing?"

"Who cares?" Jared shrugged and continued to take shots.

Everyone was too gone to remind themselves that John was married, and had two kids at home.

John woke up from his slumber with a pounding in his head. He squinted his eyes shut and winced as the hangover began to take over. How much had he drank last night? He jumped when he felt something move in his bunk.

Oh my gosh, he thought as he looked over at the sleeping girl. He looked down to see himself naked and panic began to take over.

His boxers were draped over his pillow and he quickly slid them back on before practically jumping out of bed.

"Jared!" he yelled.

The redhead turned a couple of times in bed before rubbing his eyes and yawning. "What do you want, O'Callaghan?" he muttered.

"Care to explain to me why there's a naked girl in my bunk and why I woke up naked? What the hell did I do?" he hissed.

"Oh my... oh my gosh, John. Did you... did you have sex with her?" Jared instantly woke up and his eyes widened. Last night began to come back to him in pieces. He remembered Joel's words, "What is John doing?" and then he remembered John with a blond girl in his lap.

"I don't know! Why else would I be naked?" John shrieked. He threw his hands in the air and began to pace back and forth nervously. "What do I tell Shay?"

"Dude, John, I'm, so sorry. I don't know, but just tell her the truth. Don't you dare lie to that poor girl. And please tell that bimbo to leave."

John groaned and put his hand on his forehead. His heart rate was skyrocketing. Shay just forgave him for being stupid. How was he going to get by with this huge mistake? How did he let himself lose control?

"Get out of here," he growled at the sleeping girl.

She tossed and turned a little, but didn't wake up. "Leave!" he yelled. She shot up and looked around, before realizing she was naked and pulling the sheets over her bare chest.

"Where am I?" She looked at John. "Oh, shit. I'm so sorry, John. I, I was drunk and I knew you were married. Oh my gosh, I need to get out of here. I'm so sorry," she rambled as she gathered her clothing. She threw everything on haphazardly under the sheets and practically bolted out of the door.

"I'm screwed," he sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Drama, finally!
Do you think Shay'll take him back after another incident?
Let me know what you think!

As far as posting goes, a lot of the subscribers aren't caught up with the story, so I'm not going to post for a few days just so that everyone has a chance to read the new updates. I've been posting multiple times a day for a few days, so I'm speeding up a little too fast!