Status: Writing!

She'll Be The Death Of Me

What If I Can't Forget You?

Shay groaned as the doorbell rung for the third time in the past four hours. She shuffled to the door and opened. When she caught a glimpse of the red hair, she mentally screamed.

"Hey, babe!" he greeted as he went down to kiss her lips. He furrowed his brows when she turned her face and he kissed her cheek.

"Hey, Nicky," Shay simply stated. "Come in."

Nick plopped down on the couch in the living room, making himself at home. He noticed something was off when Shay sat down alone at the kitchen table and bit her lip. He went to stand behind her and began to rub her shoulders. He stopped when he heard her sigh.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asked sincerely.

Shay continued to stare off into the distance. "Nick, I really like you."

"I like you, too Shay, but why is that a problem? Oh, God. No." He stopped and shook his head. "I should have seen this coming."

"I'm sorry, Nick. I just, I love John. I'm married to him for goodness' sake." Shay stood up and gave Nick a hug.

He nodded his head and kissed her forehead. "I understand. I should've known better. I want to see you happy, Shay, so go get that boy."

Shay smiled weakly and kissed his cheek before yelling out a thank you and bolting out the door.


Shay was walking down the street towards Kennedy and Gabi's house when she saw John's sedan speed by her headed towards the hospital. She turned around and watched him dangerously turn a fast right turn as the oncoming car honked at him. A little giggle escaped her lips when she thought about how reckless of a driver he was. It must have been a big deal. She sighed and headed back home.

Her phone began to ring and she checked the caller ID. Gabi?

"Gabs?" Shay said into the receiver.

"Shay, stay right where you are. John's taking me to the hospital and he's coming back to get you. My water broke!" Gabi squealed frantically.

Oh, shit! She forgot that Gabi was pregnant. It was about time...
"Oh, congrats, Gabs! Good luck. I'll be there soon, hopefully." Shay stared at the phone as she heard the other end of the line click off.

She took a seat on the curb and looked into the dawn sky. She began to gaze at the faint stars that lined the clouds. The circle of lights that her father once pointed out to her came into sight. She smiled when she saw the pyramid. Breaking her out of her daydream, she heard a honk as a familiar black sedan pulled up to the curb.

John smiled and leaned over to open the passenger door for her.

"Your carriage awaits, princess," he said with a wink.

For the first time in seven months, Shay genuinely laughed.

She climbed up into the car and before she even shut the door, she grabbed John's face in her hands and looked into his green eyes. For the first time in seven months, they sparkled. She grinned and kissed his lips as hard as she could.

"I love you, John."

John smiled and his eyes twinkled. "I've always loved you, Shay. And I will forever."

Shay kissed his lips again and closed her door. "Now, we've got a hospital to get to, don't we?"

John nodded as he pulled out without even looking to take a U-turn.

"Shit!" he yelled when he barely missed a car that was coming from the right. "Didn't see you, sorry!" he said when the car continued to honk.

Shay giggled. She looked at him in admiration. He was everything she could ever ask for.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a couple more chapters! There will be a sequel to this one, but there will be a little twist to it (;

I just want to go ahead and thank you for reading this. It means the world to me!

I'm also going to start another story. You tell me who you want it to be about!