Status: weekly

Red Lines

The way they all learn to appreciate the way the sky meets the looming earth that they can never meet no matter how fast they drive, is really all Eli’s fault- because the road trip was all his idea. Eli felt like he could tell Bren when they were in a car, while Bren drove. So Bren wouldn’t risk his own promising life by letting go of the wheel to strangle the remainder of the pathetic life out of him. Bren’s unpredictable like that in his polo shirts with his Columbia ID card. Just not as unpredictable as Eli, who is the first to even mention the road trip idea to his best friend. While they first embark with plans and ideas, it turns into less of a cling to the idea of being spontaneous and into a real adventure. With extra passengers fitting comfortably into backseats and hearts, it becomes more than it was ever meant to be.